Click on the image to play the CBC interview with Andrea Mrozek about the overturning of Roe v Wade and the newly formed coalition of women who are celebrating the fall of Roe.
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Newly Formed Coalition of Women Celebrate the End of Roe v Wade
Press Release: It’s been almost one hundred years since the infamous Person’s Case in Canada that inspired the simple headline: Women are Persons. That case reminds us that too often it takes a long time to correct bad law. Waiting for the Supreme Court in the United States to release their final decision about Roe […]
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Reducing violent misery by eradicating abortion
“Once upon a time, I believed I need to support contraception to be against abortion, and that marriage is unrelated to human thriving. Two decades of dating later, a very near miss on having my own family and reams and reams of reading and researching have me opposed to my former self. Did I have […]

CBC Interviews Pro-Woman Pro-Life Founder, Andrea Mrozek
Click on the image to play the CBC interview with Andrea Mrozek about the overturning of Roe v Wade and the newly formed coalition of women who are celebrating the fall of Roe.

Newly Formed Coalition of Women Celebrate the End of Roe v Wade
Press Release: It’s been almost one hundred years since the infamous Person’s Case in Canada that inspired the simple headline: Women are Persons. That case reminds us that too often it takes a long time to correct bad law. Waiting for the Supreme Court in the United States to release their final decision about Roe […]

A Statement on Roe v Wade from Pro-Life Women in Canada
Today the US Supreme Court officially released a decision overruling Roe v. Wade. While this is an American decision with no implication for Canadian law, some politicians north of the border have already politicized the issue. For all of the undersigned women, however, overturning bad law marks a point of immense encouragement. We speak out […]

The Mythical Gender Dichotomy in the Abortion Debate
Last summer, I was privileged to listen in on two fascinating online debates between pro-life and pro-choice activists. The first debate was hosted by Harvard Right to Life and Massachusetts Citizens for Life. It featured Stephanie Gray Connors, an astoundingly articulate pro-life activist, gifted apologist, published author, and founder of the Love Unleashes Life ministry. […]

A Failed Moral Argument for Choice—Part 3: Let There Be Reason
In my previous blog post on Dr. Parker’s book,[1] I addressed the complexities of Dr. Parker’s faith, which he wields in an attempt to give himself credibility and assert that advancing abortion access “is precisely the Christian thing to do.”[2] After an in-depth analysis of the nature of his beliefs, I concluded that, while Dr. […]

A Failed Moral Argument for Choice—Part 2: Let There Be Faith
Blatant falsehoods. Verifiable inaccuracies marketed as scientific facts. A book set apart by its dearth of truth. This is where we left off in my previous blog post about the truth—or, rather, the lack thereof—that was found in Dr. Parker’s so called “moral argument for choice”. In this blog post, I want to explore a […]

A Failed Moral Argument for Choice—Part 1: Let There Be Truth
I recently finished reading “Life’s Work: A Moral Argument for Choice” by Dr. Willie Parker, a self-proclaimed Christian abortionist in the United States. I was interested in this book for two reasons: first, since Dr. Parker is an abortionist, his proximity to the practice gives him a unique perspective and opportunity for insight when it […]

Why “Choice” is an Unhelpful Term in the Abortion Debate
Pro-choice. Anti-choice. My body, my choice. Somehow, the abortion debate has been characterized by this one word: choice. I first started thinking of the term “choice” and its utility (or lack thereof) in the abortion debate when I started working on my spoken word: Pro-Woman, Pro-Choice, Pro-Life. I had a few different goals in making […]

The State of Freedom in Canada
“I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.” – […]

Ten Years Later: A Reflection (Part 2)
#6: Because abortion is a gruesome medical practice. I suppose this reason is a branch off of the first reason I listed in Part 1—which was that the unborn child is human—but I wanted to be more specific. Any surgical abortion—whether at 12 weeks, 22 weeks, or 32 weeks—involves the violent and gruesome dismemberment and […]

Ten Years Later: A Reflection (Part 1)
It has been exactly 10 years and 10 days since I first posted my pro-life grade school speech on YouTube. Which means that it has been almost exactly 10 years since my family and I first realized just how viral the video was becoming, as tens of thousands of people watched the video each day, […]

Beware of the pro-choice echo chamber
Ten years. I have been doing pro-life activism for ten years. (I feel old just writing that…) I have always been 100% pro-life, because I am convinced that is the only intellectually consistent position to hold. Unsurprisingly, when I first started my journey into the realm of pro-life activism, I had many pro-abortion advocates challenge […]

Pro-life feminism vs. pro-abortion hypocrisy
Recently, as part of a personal feminist book-a-thon, I read F-Bomb: Dispatches from the War on Feminism by Lauren McKeon. I was particularly intrigued and interested in reading the book for two reasons. First, I know Lauren McKeon personally. She and I spent a fair amount of time together for an article that she wrote […]

Eugenics, Margaret Sanger, and the sordid history of the pro-abortion movement
I am back again with another article about—you guessed it—the unendingly problematic book Yes Means Yes: Visions of Female Sexual Power & A World Without Rape. This time, I bring you a criticism from Tiloma Jayasinghe’s essay “When Pregnancy is Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will be Pregnant.” The essay is really more about pregnancy than it […]