We’ve visited this issue before. Seems new concerns about birth control pill hormones leaking into the water supply have again arisen:
Experts believe the hormone could be getting into drinking water and affecting men’s sperm counts. They say sewage treatment does not remove the chemical entirely from drinking supplies, although the water industry insists there is no evidence of a risk to health….
One study by the Medical Research Council found that Scottish men born since 1970 are 25 per cent less fertile than those born 20 years earlier – and that fertility is continuing to drop by two per cent a year.
Of course, other chemicals may be responsible, for we are increasingly discovering that we are surrounded by ‘gender-bending’ substances.
Many pesticides and plastics, for example, contain chemicals that disrupt the hormone system. (emphasis mine)
And it seems going ahead with broad water filtration programs is out of the question since the process of filtering these chemicals out of the water contributes to global warming. (Good grief!) So buy your water today… in glass bottles, I guess.
Andrea adds: All these environmental crises, economic crises, everything is a CRISIS! The average guy is going to reach for something in a bottle and it won’t be water. I think I need a drink too.