Well, here we are. The year is pretty much over. And while to many commentators it appears to have been a pretty darn wretched one, I’m quite pleased with it myself. Among many other good things that happened in 2008, I’m very grateful to Andrea for launching PWPL and delighted that she asked me to join. Thanks! And may 2009 bring even more good things to you and yours.
Andrea asks: What’s that saying again–it takes a village to raise a web site? (For me, in any event, it took Brigitte.) In any event, don’t thank me, no, no. A good team effort here with PWPL. And yes, I think 2008 was a good one too!

Amazing year it has been!!
PWPL will have its first anniversary soon! And in that short time you have done a ton of great work!
My very best to you all for 2009.
I second your thank you! PWPL is a great site and I now stop here nearly daily. I don’t feel so alone in my views anymore!