I have to say, I’m loving the Reservoir Dogs feel of this cover. While you have to subscribe to get the full issue, I can offer a tidbit.
The Canadian movement advocating for the sanctity of life from conception until natural death has a refreshing – and some may find surprising – face today. By Alex Newman
When 23-year-old Ruth Lobo was arrested last fall for a controversial display her pro- life group set up at Carleton University, she set off a minor media storm. Even the Canadian Civil Liberties Association weighed in, arguing the student had a right to her voice on her own campus – even though they might not agree with what Lobo’s display said.
A year earlier, an elementary school student – Lia Mills of Toronto, then age 12 – chose abortion as her topic for a school public speaking contest. Despite opposition and threatened backlash, she placed first in the competition.
Then there’s American Abbey Johnson, a young woman who watched an ultrasound monitor in a Texas abortion clinic as an unborn child recoiled from the instruments. She is now a vocal pro-life advocate.
Or consider Gianna Jessen, 32, who addresses audiences around the world about her life – a life her biological mother tried to end in a late-term abortion. She continues to tell everyone: “I didn’t survive so I can make everyone comfortable.” Articulate, educated young women who embrace the gains of the women’s liberation movement – this is the face of today’s pro-life movement. Look at any photo or video from the annual March for Life on Parliament Hill
and you’ll see them – row on row of young women energetically propelling their banners forward.[…]
“We can and will speak for ourselves. A woman can be pro-life.”
These young women aren’t just bringing a message – they are the message.
Update: Full Faith Today story can be read here.

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