Vicky Saporta, of the National Abortion Federation, on why “we must remain vigilant in preserving reproductive freedom”. You have the feeling sometimes that these people will not rest until every darn pregnancy is labelled unwanted and terminated. What do they want, half a million aborted babies a year? 2 million? Would that be enough?
Andrea adds: I’d just like to have a Count the Euphemisms contest. Quite an article.

Contest? Drinking game!
But seriously, I will never understand the term “therapeutic abortion”.
“In order to obtain a legal abortion, women were forced to face an intimidating process of going before a hospital committee to petition for care.”
Yeah, and I had to go through an intimidating process to get a lithotripsy for a massive kidney stone. That’s the way hospitals are. And that’s just for an eight millimetre chunk of calcium. I’d be concerned if there WASN’T a more complicated process for a surgery that kills one of the people involved.
How about count the oxymorons too? – “abortion care” – how can you call this caring?, “therapeutic abortion” – for whom is this therapeutic?
It’d be nice if Ms. Saporta actually used the correct name of the caucus – Parliamentary Pro-Life Caucus, rather than “anti-choice parliamentary caucus”. I imagine that these people are indeed all about choice – true choice, and not something drowning in euphemisms.