I find it interesting that abortion providers are loath to admit that complications occur when they employ the various “procedures” used to dismember and destroy the child in the womb. In fact, they have often been found to skew the numbers so as to make this operation seem as innocuous as going to the dentist. Until, that is, a study comes out that proves that “major complications during early surgical abortions are reduced by nearly a third in comparison with the placebo.” Then the truth comes out.
The Lancet has published a study showing that Misoprostol administered before an abortion will likely cause some nasty side affects in the mother prior to her abortion (heavy bleeding, abdominal pain etc.), but that it will reduce serious damage like “incomplete abortion, cervical tear, pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine perforation, or other serious events” by a third. Eek!
Remember that this is an elective procedure. You can leave home without it.
In fact, I believe that women are a lot better off without it.
Read the article here.

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