Just came across this quote while doing some research. Thoughts?
byWhen arguing for their own equality, feminists condemn the unethical use of power by which men have usurped the rights of women. The price of men’s privilege, they conclude, has been paid by women, and the price is too high. Feminists believe that rights must be ranked; no one can demand for himself the right to deprive another of a more important right. Decency requires that men make some sacrifices to prevent greater sacrifices being unjustly imposed upon women.
This is a reasonable position, but pro-abortion feminists sabotage their own case by hypocritically refusing to grant the unborn the same rights that they demand for themselves. They resent the discrimination practiced against a whole class of humans because they happen to be female, yet they themselves discriminate against a whole class of humans because they happen to be very young. They deplore that the value of the woman has been determined by whether some man wants her, yet insist that the value of an unborn child is determined by whether some woman wants him. They resent that women have been “owned” by their fathers or husbands, yet claim that the unborn are owned by their mothers. They believe that sexual freedom cannot include a man’s right to rape a woman, yet proclaim that it does include a woman’s right to kill her unborn children. They lament men’s reluctance to recognize the personhood of the women, yet steadfastly refused acknowledge the personhood of the unborn.
-Rosemary Bottcher, Feminism: Bewitched by Abortion
Mouse says
I like this – as long as the writer acknowledges that both male and female feminists (and not all of them) behave this way.
Faye Sonier says
That’s a good point. It can go both ways…
Dan says
This is bang-on, and I also agree with Mouse.
sdenridder says
So true. How, or rather why, are mainstream feminists ignoring this?