I don’t follow figure skating and the name “Johnny Weir” means nothing to me. But I like how he handles annoying critics. Go Johnny!
p.s. think we should send him a t-shirt?
Andrea’s favourite part of what this figure skater says:
There are humans dying everyday. There are thousands if not millions of homeless people in New York City. Look at what just happened in Haiti. I tend to focus my energy, if there is a cause, on humans. While that may be callous and bad of me, it’s my choice.”
He concludes by saying:
Every skater is wearing skates made out of cow,” Weir said. “Maybe I’m wearing a cute little fox while everyone else is wearing cow, but we’re all still wearing animals.”

Don’t these wimps get enough attention in the media?
Send him some women’s panties to complete the costume.
It’s true, a cow died for my ice skates too. And the shoes I wear every day. And my jacket. And my car seats. Why is a fox much different? Glad someone spoke back to them; he’s got good character.
Although to be honest, his costume really looks like it belongs on a girl. (But he is a great skater, I can’t deny that.)
hmm i wonder what Johnny Weir would think about this post?
I’m sure he would love to hear how much people like him but you know don’t really think of him as a first class citizen.
He has a good cause but we’re tired of seeing males dressed down in feminine clothes. His message could have been put across with a cowhide suit.
This is from 2006 Olympics. Johnny’s response to republican types is at the 1 minute mark.
some people don’t see a guy looking “feminine” as an insult. Why do you call a man who looks or intentionally dresses feminine a wimp? Anything feminine is considered a pejorative to people like you. It takes a lot strength and courage to be a man and look and dress feminine like Johnny Weir especially since it’s a macho man’s world and the rest of us just live in it.
“to people like you’?
You must have low standards if you think it takes strength & courage for a man to dress like the fairy godmother in front of millions of people. What a great image for our young boys to emulate.
Yes, bullies like YOU. People like you who judge others based on looks. Why don’t you look at yourself long and hard. I don’t see much character or strength from someone who hides behind a computer and calls someone else names.
Yes, bullies like YOU. People like you who judge others based on looks. Why don’t you look at yourself long and hard. I don’t see much character or strength from someone who hides behind a computer and uses high school insults to criticize.
JR & Ken: Enough, please. Disagreements are fine; insults are not.