And all the other mothers out there.
[h/t Paul Tuns]
Rebecca adds: This is wonderful:
This shared challenge — of surviving parenthood together — has brought us closer to you in ways that we could never have imagined. We have entered the trenches of childrearing together and despite all of our complaints, you never bailed on us.
And that is even better than what we had before the kids, which in hindsight seems a tad selfish and much less profound. Now you have seen the best and the worst of us, the patient and the irritated of us, the fat and the thin of us, the rested and the exhausted of us. And still, you put your arms around us at night. At six weeks, six months or six years, that is truly and unmistakably sexy.”
Sunday was our tenth wedding anniversary, so I have been reflecting on how lucky I am to have married a man who is such a wonderful father to our children. Having a baby to save a marriage is of course an awful idea; nonetheless, I think that when you are the parents of the same little person, when you have weathered the bad moments and shared the good (and the good and bad times associated with children seem more vivid and acute than those in the rest of life) the bond between you is not just stronger but thicker and more multi-stranded than it ever was before.

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