I just read about the Stepping Up program in this week’s issue of ChristianWeek. I’ve never heard of any other programming with a similar mandate. I’d love to see this replicated across this country:
byIn ministering over the years to teen moms, Rast says they realized that many of the fathers—contrary to the “deadbeat dad” stereotype—actually craved a relationship with their children and girlfriends.
“They’re crying out for somebody to give them just a bit of a step up to be there for their kids,” he says. “But they have no idea how to do it.”
When Morgan came onboard three years ago, Stepping Up was finally launched.
“The mantra of Stepping Up is stopping the cycle of fatherlessness,” says Morgan. “We want to see these guys connect with their children in a meaningful way, and help them gain meaningful employment, so they can sustain themselves and their young families.”
Melissa says
The TERRA program in Edmonton (an association that provides support for pregnant and parenting young people) has a fair number of programs to assist young dads.
Faye Sonier says
Really? Thanks Melissa. I’ll look that up now and see if I can’t publicize it a little.
Melissa says
You know, I guess we Edmontonians are spoiled. We just kind of take TERRA for granted, and apart from sending a case of diapers that way every year or so, we don’t really think to much about all they do.
And then, every so often, you will read somewhere about this fabulous new program that someone has come up with in some other part of the country, and we will be all like “Ho, hum! We’ve had something like that here for the last forty years.”