When we write the biography of ProWomanProLife (and why shouldn’t we?), my part will read something like: “I wasn’t wild about abortion, but I’d never really felt like joining the usual pro-life groups. I found them either too religious or too preachy or too shrill or all of the above. But when Andrea asked me to join a group devoted to trying to change the culture – trying to end abortion by influencing the culture in a way that would make demand for abortion dwindle without resorting to legal threats and harsh punishment – now that was different.”
That was the one thing that made me join and want to help launch this website. The idea that we could end abortion by choice. Now other people are doing something similar, and – hooray! – the mainstream media is starting to pay attention. I knew Andrea was onto something…
Andrea adds: The headline of that article made me laugh. (“Born again”). There is a small mistake, though, insofar as the ProWomanProLife slogan is attributed to Signal Hill. Anyways, I’m hopeful with all these groups working hard, even including those who want to change the law, that we’ll see some change.

Hello Brigitte and Andrea,
Just yesterday, I was directed to your ‘site by a friend of mine. What a concept! Change the culture before trying to change the laws. Your organization is looking at the same kind of strategies as PLCC. I’m going to spend some time perusing your ‘site. Meantime, would you be willing to take a peek at my homepage?
Thanks so much!
Paul Bradford, Pro-Life Catholics for Choice
I’d like to read the NP article linked in this post but no longer available.