My Twitter feed is abuzz with pro-lifers commenting on the situation in Texas.
Here’s the update: The Governor called a special session to do what an angry mob and a lengthy filibuster prevented last week, that is pass legislation banning abortion after 20 weeks and raising the standards in abortion clinics.
This resulted in the pro-abortion mob chanting “Hail Satan” outside the legislature, while pro-lifers sang Amazing Grace. You can watch that sad spectacle, here.

My alarm goes off to CBC radio in the morning. On the morning after, Wendy Davis’ filibuster had made the morning newscast. The way CBC presented the topic was this shining star for human rights, Wendy Davis, had stood up against the gun-and-bible clinging mob of Texas cowboys, and prevented the passage of a bill that would significantly roll back women’s rights by closing the vast majority of the state’s abortion clinics. Notably absent in the discussion was the reason the clinics would close: they don’t meet the same safety standards as any other facility that conducts outpatient surgeries. (Realistically, if the clinics would spend a bit if money, they could upgrade to meet the new standards. But abortion clinics are sometimes a bit cheap.) Also absent was the fact that the vast majority of Americans (let alone Texans) are opposed to late-term abortion: indeed,two Texans support this bill for every one Texan opposed.
Sometimes I can’t help but think that CBC simply doesn’t want to acknowledge that there is another point of view from the “abortion, on demand, and without apology” that is supported by a significant proportion of the Canadian population. Shame on the CBC.
RIP Savita Halappanavar. There ARE circumstances where abortion is the right thing to do! Lack of abortion in this case killed a perfectly viable grown woman for the sake of an unviable foetus! You are certainly not ‘pro woman’ if you take away her choice just because it is not yours. If you don’t want an abortion, don’t get one, don’t take away another woman’s right to decide for herself. I don’t think guns should be allowed, I think they are good for nothing and they cause far more carnage than they are worth yet I do not support taking away gun ownership rights. You want to own a gun, you get to decide and I have to live with it, even though I don’t like it. That’s what it’s like to live in a country with free will.
Do you realize that if Savita Halappanavar had lived in Texas, she would be alive today. Everything in Savita’s suituation occured before week twenty so, she would have had easy access to an abortion in Texas (pre or post the 20 week ban).
An abortion would not have helped Savita Halappanavar. An accurate diagnosis followed by proper treatment would have.
I’ve posted on this website before, and I’m not the “Maura” with the pro-choice opinions who posted above. in fact, I’m pretty surprised to see someone else with my name – doesn’t happen very often.
And thanks Kyle and Dan for the clarifying responses to the other Maura’s post.
Maura (who is prowoman prolife)
It is a sad video.
It is sad that Savita Halappanavar continues to be misrepresented.
It is sad that CBC, Clearly Biased Coverage, is tax payer funded but doesn’t represent the tax payers.
To the first Maura,
What on Earth does the tragic death of Savita Halappanavar in Ireland have to do with a proposed law banning abortion after 20 weeks and firming up safety standards in abortion clinics in Texas? Or are you simply exploiting the case of a woman who died from a blood infection as leverage to pushing the prolife Irish to implementing abortion on demand and without apology? That’s a weak argument, but it’s a free country, and it is your prerogative to make a bad argument.
See here’s the thing. The majority of the Irish people don’t want elective abortion to be legal in Ireland, and so abortion is not legal there. A significant majority of Texans don’t think that late-term abortion has any place in a civilized society, and so they instructed their legislature to ban it. If gun abolitionists such as yourself were in the majority in Canada (which you aren’t) then you could enact legislation banning guns altogether, and the trigger-happy gun-toting enthusiasts would have to get rid of their guns. That is what it means to live in a democracy. The majority makes the rules, and everybody is expected to follow them.