Temperatures in this here part of Canada have plunged to dramatic levels. Like minus 54202. Rebecca says it’s even colder in Winnipeg and I believe her – last time I was there, in May, it snowed. In May. Winnipeg is in a league of its own. But so, today, is Halifax. Their sewage treatment facility malfunctioned, so they’re advising people to avoid swimming in the harbour.
It’s almost poetic to think that someone, somewhere, believes it’s possible to swim in this weather… outside.
Andrea adds: Brigitte of all people will know from my pathetic moaning over email that my body went on strike, along with Ottawa’s transit system. It succumbed to some sort of flu Monday night after karate (I wasn’t feeling well in the class, but how was I to know whether it was a virus or the fact that we were practicing “break falls”–an extremely counterintuitive process whereby I am to allow a partner to flip me to the floor, falling “properly” and apparently, with a smile on my face. But I digress.) Since Monday night, I have not really removed myself from the couch, unless it was to transfer to the bed, or back to the couch…you get my point. However, in all this, and the minus 400, I did briefly consider going for a swim in the Halifax Harbour. So this news item does come in handy–news you can really use.
Hanam says
I wonder so much on days like these–where oh where is Global Warming?
Anybody has a way to get to Al Gore and ask him?
Scott Gilbeath says
No one in his/her right mind swims in Halifax Harbour—ever. The sewage treatment system fails regularly.