What a lot of useless drivel in this letter to the editor in yesterday’s Citizen.
Jeanette Doucet of Planned Parenthood Ottawa has come to the realization that—wait for it—sex is good. And she wants all teens to know. No kidding.
But wait for it, she’s got more: “we [Planned Parenthood Ottawa] don’t tell [youth] not to have sex and we don’t tell them that sex is bad.”
So let me get this straight. You are aware that sex is about “more than plumbing.” And you are aware that the waters of sexual relationships are always tough to navigate—would be more so for a teen. And you won’t tell youth not to have sex? Really? I’m not sure that Sex with Sue would give that advice.
I guess I can understand how she comes to this conclusion. Because in her world, the appropriate dialogue with the appropriate counselor actually eradicates a teenager’s fears of pregnancy, or of being alone, or unloved or of having some sort of sexually transmitted disease. If we could only just all spend more time with… her.
And when an unwanted pregnancy comes along–and let’s keep in mind most teen pregnancies are–she’s the same counselor to point that girl in the direction of the abortion clinic. Come to think of it, with this advice, she is deliberately creating those unwanted pregnancies.
It all comes down to a worldview. And Jeanette here may say she thinks sex is about more than plumbing but she doesn’t actually believe it. If she did, she’d be forced to concede that sex for teens is a bad idea—as they enmesh their souls time after time after time with disposable partners—in an era where we teach kids not to settle down until all else is settled—typically by the time they are done their university degrees. Say you have sex at 16—well, that could mean ten full years of sexual drifting. That can’t possibly be a good thing.
Ah, advice from Planned Parenthood–courtesy of your tax dollars and mine.
Tanya adds: But let’s never suggest that abortion is a profitable industry and Planned Parenthood is its McDonald’s. Actually, McDonald’s has more scruples, I dare say. But the day they start selling Rolaids for profit with your Big Mac combo…

Where did you take that picture? Because I need to take a picture in front of Planned Parenthood Ottawa for the Pro-Life T-Shirt Week. However, on Google Maps, the building doesn’t even say “Planned Parenthood” on it!
That picture is from the Ottawa Citizen article.
But is this wall located somewhere? Is it in the Planned Parenthood? Is it near it? Where is PPO, how do I get there, and what do I look for?