A nice little piece that I missed earlier this month about how men and women are different.
The author, Marni Soupcoff, describes varying reactions from men and women to rejected articles. As a woman who pitches articles to newspapers I can faithfully report I have a great deal of experience with rejection. And I can honestly say it never occured to me to challenge those rejections. You don’t want my article? OK. Can I do something else to please you? Change it? Make it better? Make you a latté? I’ve actually grieved articles (it was terrible, it will never be published) on the assumption that it will be rejected only to find, nope, it was fine, it’s going in and the editor just didn’t have time to get back to me.
What’s my point? I’m not sure, only that it is empirically true that men and women are different. That men will interact differently with women in the workplace. And that they should, in fact, interact differently with women in the workplace. Because we are different. (And any good editor should reject this blog post for using the word “different” four times in rapid succession. However, what I don’t do on my own web site is reject myself. Nothing but loving, nurturing, “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough and doggone it, people like me” here.)
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