Symbolic of where abortion registers for the mainstream media (it doesn’t), this report about Steve Fonyo Jr. having his Order of Canada revoked ends this way:
The Order of Canada can be terminated when a recipient has been convicted of a criminal offence, the person’s conduct departs from recognized standards of public behaviour or they have been sanctioned by a professional organization. Other Canadians whose Order of Canada has been terminated include former NHL Players’ Association head Alan Eagleson, after he was convicted of fraud, and lawyer T. Sher Singh, whom the Law Society of Upper Canada disbarred after finding him guilty of professional misconduct. There are calls for others to have their orders revoked, including jailed media baron Conrad Black and disgraced Livent founder Garth Drabinsky.
It strikes me as obtuse that whoever wrote this failed to mention the obvious distress of many, many Canadians when Henry Morgentaler received the award. I suppose, however, that we need more time before Morgentaler’s behaviour is recognized as deviating from recognized standards. I maintain that we will recognize his “contribution” to Canadian society as abuse in due course, but we’re not there yet.

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