Today, a group of African-American pastors will march in Washington demanding that both the Democrats and the Republicans reject campaign funds from Planned Parenthood. Why? Because they believe they are racist, something we discussed here.
In other (related?) web meanderings I stumbled across this YouTube video–Nick Cannon thanks his mom for life. (No judgment, he says, he’s just telling his story. Hard to argue with that. He speaks, in a way, for those who don’t live, and never get to argue their case. Too bad, that.)
Brigitte wonders: Am I the only one in tears after watching this?
Andrea adds: No, you’re not. It started out kind of so-so for me, and if I had not watched the whole thing, I would not have posted it. But by the end, I found the story he tells very moving, indeed. Especially when his real-life mom shows up.
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