This is an ad for a campaign called Born HIV Free with Carla Bruni-Sarkozy at the helm. Upon watching this, my first thought was something along the lines of, “this is weird.” Then I watched it again, and I pretty much thought exactly the same thing.
However, there is a point to be made: strong language is used precisely because it’s truthful, and because we’re not talking about abortion here. “Life is beautiful. Don’t let AIDS kill it before it starts.” I’m surprised someone hasn’t complained about this. (Silly me, I forgot. We only complain when pro-lifers point out something this obvious.)
(And thanks to Kristina for sending this link in.)

I’m glad I’m not the only one who jerked when she said “kill”. I suppose they could mean that the HIV will eventually kill the child after it has been born, but the ad sure does humanize the unborn. “Uterine contents”, indeed.