I had to assume when I read Dr. Robinson’s letter that she is willfully blind to the studies showing psychological problems after abortion. This letter is, er, to the point in response to her:
Dr. Gail Erlick Robinson neglects to mention that the “relief ” some women experience after abortion all too often takes the form of suicide. While Dr. Robinson rubbishes Dr. David Reardon, whose research has documented substantially increased incidence of suicide post abortion, based on medical records from California, Dr. Reardon merely confirmed what Dr. Mika Gissler and colleagues had reported back in 1996 in the British Medical Journal in another “gold standard” study based entirely on medical records from the Finnish abortion and death registries. Gissler et al. found that women who had had an induced abortion in the prior 12 months were three times as likely to commit suicide compared to women who had not been pregnant during that year, and six times more likely to commit suicide compared to women who had had a live birth in the prior 12 months. Clearly, post-abortion depression is a much more serious problem than postpartum depression. Importantly, not a single study has refuted these inconvenient but rock-solid scientific findings about post-abortion suicide.
Joel Brind, professor of biology and deputy chair, Department of Natural Sciences, Baruch College, City University of New York.

Dr. Gail Erlick Robinson and Joyce Arthur both have a difficult time adjusting to modern times. Both use unfounded rhetoric from the 60’s and hope that will get them respect. But in our scientific, enlightened age, where science and technology prove the pro-life point, they cannot compete at that higher level.
It is one thing to put down religion, but when you overlook and manipulate science, you have lost all credibility. They both know they are losing the battle, and the war.