Madonna has twelve inane conditions for the father of her kids in order that he might see them, now that they’ve split. A friend sends me this link with the thought that for some women abortion must always be an option–‘her body, her choice,’ following this, once they have children, the kids also remain part of her body and her choices–she owns and controls them. “At bedtime, Guy should read [the older son] the books Madonna wrote”? Would certainly help if she wasn’t also an egomaniac.
Véronique adds: You’d think that with everything we now know about the effects of divorce on children, parents would at least make an effort to mitigate them, if not avoid them altogether.
This has all the makings of a long, drawn-out, custody dispute. Lots of money. Brains? Not so much. I cannot understand the kind of deep-set self-centeredness that would lead a parent (or two of them) to drag children through this. I just can’t.