I realize it’s a bit heart-sinking to realize that there is out there an “online dating service for cheaters” (i.e., adulterers). But at least they won’t be advertising during the Super Bowl. I guess that’s something to feel good about. (Work with me here, people.)
So, on behalf of parents, married people, and all Canadians with even a modicum of public decency, I would like to thank CTV for this decision.
Rebecca adds: The phrase “defining deviancy down” springs to mind.
One day, I want to write a book on the need for stigma and shame. No government should be in the business of policing people’s extramarital activity, but no healthy society can afford to condone adultery. In an era in which non-judgmentalism is one of the major virtues, necessary concepts like ostracism and social disgrace have lost all meaning, and a desire not to hurt people’s feelings by passing judgment on their behaviour has created a culture in which hearts are broken and lives ruined.

Speaking of superbowl commercials any word on wether the pro-life advertisement is going to run? (Are the commercials the same in Canada as America? I guess they’d be different.)
Anyway, I guess I will find out tonight. I hope it runs.