The Post continues their series. Today we have Karen Selick. I like her. She’s so libertarian it hurts, but the position is sincerely-held and well-reasoned and very often, quite creative. Like today. She has an interesting technological solution to abortion, and she writes that she can’t understand why no one has caught on to it.
I can. Because that option acknowledges the humanity of the fetus and what it will become. Also, when you have abortion on demand, there is a decided lack of creativity and interest in looking into other options. And an inability to fund those options too.
Can’t be so charitable towards Colby Cosh, that’s for sure, who writes this. I’d have much more to say–er, yes, a lot more–if I were not off now to go and see/meet? the man himself. I’ll be at this Morgentaler/Law conference in downtown Toronto today, and if they have a hot spot you’ll hear from me throughout the day.

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