Newsbusters says the Yale “abortion as art” story is fake. Read about it here:
Lastly, I’d like to say how cynical and disgusting the entire concept is in the first place. To purposefully create nascent life only to kill it for the sake of “art” is a dangerous concept. How far could such a concept take us into the darkness of true evil? Would it be acceptable to kill small animals for the sake of “art”? If not, why not? After all, if killing human life is acceptable for the sake of “art” why put a limit on killing animals for the same reason?
Though the author raises good points, and the whole piece is worth a read, he doesn’t actually disprove that she tried to do this project, only that it could not logically have succeeded. So we’re back where we began: With a student, her friends and professor who condoned this project, which is to me far worse than the fact that one girl would try.
Brigitte adds: The Newsbuster piece is updated with a link to a New York Sun story that confirms the story is a fake. (Apparently “The entire project is an art piece, a creative fiction designed to draw attention to the ambiguity surrounding form and function of a woman’s body.”) And the Newsbuster author to add:
Yes, it’s all a scam. Just as I thought. The sad thing is that, without so much as giving this story some thought, so many news outlets reported this as fact earlier this morning.
Well, yeah, I for one believed it. I’m not sure it’s worse than an institution of “higher learning” going ahead with such a stupid idea in order to “draw attention to the ambiguity surrounding form and function of a woman’s body.” Because face it, that too sounds too crazy to be true…
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