A column about women taking over the workplace, the world:
Millennia of male dominance in workplaces, governments, companies and countries could come to an end in the next few decades. The resulting changes will reverberate through every aspect of our lives and society. And, as with all revolutions, it may not go smoothly. This revolutionary power shift isn’t due to social programs or social engineering. It’s about economics. Some call it “womenomics” because women already account for 80 per cent of all purchasing decisions. More formidably, women may soon be the primary breadwinners. It’s a trend that began more than 30 years ago as women flooded into colleges, universities and trade schools.
This is a disaster. Not the “death of macho,” which is really only a headline and actually, who needs so-called macho men? The problem is the diminishing of male importance, male leadership and the male presence. The disaster is men, rolling over and taking it. Maybe they’re busy smoking a joint, playing video games, sleeping with their girlfriend before going to Mamma’s house for her to get the laundry done, I don’t know. But men of goodwill should not sit back and let this be. Most disastrous of all is that some men won’t take this lying down. And it won’t be the hardworking, family-supporting men who pipe up. It’s going to be chauvenists who will launch the offensive, blaming women and declaring a resurgence of what they think it means to be manly.
We’re in a mess, is all I’m saying, when it comes to gender, what it means to be a woman, what it means to be a man and how we interact. In the long term I think things will straighten out and get back to something approximating normal decency. But in the short term, I don’t think this is going to be pretty.
Which is what the columnist also says, except that she concludes this way:
It may well be the death of macho. But it is also the liberation of half the world’s people.
I gather she thinks women have been liberated. That’s up for grabs in this here current culture. But even if we accept this, the “liberation” will be short lived. If it comes down to a revolution, and men are fighting women, on sheer brute strength I think we all know who is going to win.

Women’s Lib failed because it did not support mothers, but only made motherhood all the more difficult. Women eunuchs are not happy women.
Not to worry, liberated (from one another) women and men! Replacements for our disappearing macho men are on their way, even as we speak and debate. Right now they are a little busy blowing up airliners and shooting up classrooms of female students, as the need arises.
As soon as these organizational matters are taken care of, societal order will be restored. The new, gallant, real man will honour his women the proper way – by instituting the fashionable hijab, and the company of a male chaperone for any woman at all times while outside her home, which, fortunately, will not be very often.
The feminists will have won after all! They will be free of the West’s male chauvinist types, protected to the hilt at the same time, and they won’t even have to drive!
Can’t quite see it coming any time soon? Look again.
Womens’ Lib failed? How? Women are equal in education, and in the workplace, and in the eyes of the law they are not only equal but protected from discrimination to enforce that equality. Contraception, of a variety of forms, is widely available in all developed countries. Gender roles still remain, but their power is lessened – they are no longer the constricting boundries that determine what life one may live. I’d call it a great success.
The first wave did go a bit over the top, but that mistake has faded now.
I think the next appropriate stage would be going global. It’s over, in the west. Liberation won. But in much of the rest of the world, change is urgently needed.