I would like to know why my tax dollars are going towards giving a platform to the two topless girls who tried to interrupt and shout down the Archbishop of Quebec yesterday at the March for Life in Ottawa? They should be facing fines or jail time for indecent exposure, attempted assault, mischief, disturbing the peace, anything – just not sitting, (fully dressed, I note) in a CBC studio during prime time, chatting with Evan Solomon.
They are extremists of the notorious group FEMEN whose atrocious behaviour borders on insanity. At the very least it is terribly embarrassing and to be pitied. They have no respect for public discourse, the democratic process, freedom of religion or conscience and yet they are given a voice by our national tax funded media.
David says
This is the only ‘story’ Clearly Biased Coverage’ posted about the ‘anti abortion’ people on Parliament hill. If CBC was a sitcom it would last a week. CBC would be funny if it wasn’t real. Too bad it’s reality TV and bad reality TV.
The only thing worse than CBC focusing on these FEMEN individuals was the police saying their only concern was the ‘violence’ directed towards these women as people tried to prevent them from getting on the podium. Police – ‘serve and protect’? CBC – ‘journalism’?
kanga says
Amazing to see that Elizabeth May shift her position to that of where the wind was blowing. Shame on you Elizabeth. Right from speaking up for conscience, timidly to becoming a dressed-up Femen. You could not have spoofed an insincere, shallow politician better than you did.
As for Evan, now you’ll know that if you interview Femen for more than 90 seonds, they cannot articulate their position beyond their painted slogans, and you’re the one ending up with egg all over your face. Your researcher should be flogged for setting you up like this.
25,000 articulate people on the march, for an unpopular position, and you give their articulate spokesperson only a minute or two on the phone in a program that deals specifically with their cause? You could have rescued your show, but you didn’t. Too bad you can’t be quicker on your feet, Solomon. This program belies that CBC commercial about you asking the tough questions. Power and politics indeed!
Brigid says
God bless them, but the people who protest outside the Morgentaler clinics wearing “Abortion Hate” signs evoke a reaction from the pro-abortion crowd similar to that felt by pro-lifers when they see radical feminists exposing themselves (e.g., the bare-breasted babes). Even I, who am pro-life, feel uncomfortable seeing such inflammatory rhetoric. I have therefore recommended to pro-life protestors that they change their signage to appeal to the prevailing ideology of personal autonomy (e.g., “Be Unique,” “Rage Against the Machine,” or a similar slogans). Unfortunately, the status quo will never change while the pro-life perspective remains associated with religion. Pro-life must appeal to people’s self interest by exposing the consequences of abortion to individuals and society. I try to take the foregoing approach when I discuss my opposition to abortion with pro-choice people.
Brigid says
Related to my previous post, I just thought of a good slogan for pro-lifers to use: “Pro-choice is no choice.”
Dan says
Yes, the CBC is a lost cause. The sooner we can stop funding this charade of a public broadcaster the better.