A longish (but mildly entertaining) piece about “liquid leggings” that takes way too many words to come to the only obvious conclusion. It’s an idiotic piece of clothing. That just about every woman who is not Angelina Jolie should stay well away from. I was way ahead of the curve; I never had any intention of wearing those things. Sometimes, having no interest in fashion is the most fashionable thing around.
Andrea adds:
It will likely be one of those trends that’s increasingly hard to understand once the moment has passed, she says. “In the future, we’ll probably look back and say ‘Oh my God, I was wearing plastic leggings in public.
In the future, like after lunch today? I note they are difficult to wash, and don’t breathe. Mmmmm.
Tanya advises: Difficult to wash? Whatever! Just pass a Clorox wipe over them and you’re done.

The liquid leggings look great! But they’re not for fat women.