Update, July 6, 2009: Just returning to check the comments and it appears this was all a hoax. Wanted to update the post to that effect, and say I’m sorry I posted about it in the first place.
I’d be grateful if anyone had additional details on this story.
Take a look at the April 24 blog entry. A couple in Brabant Lake, Saskatchewan has allegedly been kicked out of their house for talking about forced sterilization and abortions amongst native Canadians, and for distributing a pro-life newspaper. If anyone has any details about this community and can pass them on, please do.
“ The people who keep their houses do as their [sic] told.” Sergeant Janes, RCMP detachment head. At 10:30 am Vaughn Skogstad, chairman of La Ronge Housing Authority and past NDP campaign chairman, his helper, Sergeant Janes and a constable arrived at our door of our house to tell us that we have to leave. We were told that we committed unlawful entry when we opened up our house after travelling seven hours in a snow storm. Sergeant Janes said “ you knew this was coming and you did nothing about it. It is not your house. (repeated 6 times) It belongs to the province. You knew that they were going to do this. The people who keep their house do as their told.”
I said that they are just doing this because we distributed pro- life newspapers and are exposing that Indian people are being pushed into abortion and sterilisation. He admitted that this was true. He said that you should have tried to get a lawyer and buy the house. …
There is a strong conviction among some self- proclaimed progressive elite in La Ronge and elsewhere that native people should be sterilised and have abortions by force if necessary. This clique which expects people “to do as they’re told” has never allowed pro- life materials in the North.
There are places in Canada where people believe in forced sterilization and abortion? I already know about the freedom of speech problem–though being evicted for distributing a newspaper is especially harsh.
(cross-posted to The Shotgun)

Apparently, Saskatchewan is one province where the native population is actually growing and is outnumbering the “white” population. So they are doing this!
Incredible, I hope you get responses on this one.
That’s just creepy and chilling.
I can’t believe what I am reading! If this is true, Native people need to start voicing their opinions about this. Native people are true Canadians, after all, they were here first! Most of them truly care about the land and all it has to provide. We need to go back to that way of life. To even think that there are places in Canada and people thinking that Natives need to be forced into sterilization and aborted, is unbelieveable. I thought we were an evolving civilization. Why haven’t I read about this in the Newspapers? This needs to be brought to attention and something needs to be done about it.
Carolyn–it’s the “if this is true” part I’m after… that’s why I posted it–with the word “allegedly” added in.
I don’t rule it out. (when I first heard of sex selection abortion happening in Canada I didn’t believe it. but that was definitely true.)
This is a story that requires investigation, though. I got an email from someone I don’t know, saying she knows some of the people in question… that brings it into my sphere, and by posting it, I’m wondering if someone might know someone who lives out there, who might be able to comment.
Too bad I’m not a journalist anymore! I wish I had the time to check this one out.
May I suggest contacting Kate at the Small Dead Animals blog. If any one in Saskatchewan has the connections to check this out it would be her.
Mrs. Gay Caswell was on the Drew Mariani show yesterday.
I have personal knowledge about this case. Nothing is as written. I’m ashamed to be called a Christian if that puts me in the same category as Gay Caswell. As you may know Government employees can not release details to the media. This in fact gags them from telling the truth about the matter. Try reading Gay Caswell’s blog, Read all of her posts and you will see how she contradicts herself. Her claims are so bazaar to leave you wondering is this woman from this planet? The sad part is Gay is using these lies to gain support and contributions.
Saskatchewan Housing Corporation supplies low cost housing and has a staff of many dedicated employees with a life passion of improving lives of people in Northern Saskatchewan. They have been slandered with no means of defense. In no way does the eviction of the Caswells have anything to do with religion,schooling, or Pro Life.
Ask the Judge or the Crown Prosecutor In LaRonge Saskatchewan how they have been slandered. See Gay’s blog “Monday, March 23, 2009”
Please join me in prayer for Gay and her husband John.
About 90% of Gay Caswells’ Blog below is lies. Yes the Caswells need our prayers but not our money.
Mrs. Gay Caswell’s Blog
Friday, May 15, 2009
they love darkness rather than light
May 15,2009
12:30 am
We are in the classroom and cannot sleep. We are ordered that we cannot sleep at the house. So we yank ourselves from a nap in our own bed and drive across town to the floor of the classroom. Why? Because SHC wants to bully us and to humiliate us because we stood up to them. We are working in the house when we are not teaching but the boards are kept on the house. Why? Because SHC wants to bully us and humiliate us.
We have attempted to expose for a long time that the north of this province is run on the assumption that a person can live here only by invitation. There is no law that supports this. The constitution of Canada clearly states that a Canadian may live where he wants in Canada. Before the Charter of Rights it was well established as a definition of a subject of the Queen or if you prefer a citizen of the country that Canadians can live where they choose in Canada. We weren’t getting anywhere. No one seemed to care or the injustice and corruption had gone on so long that people were used to it and accepted it. Now perhaps people are beginning to realise that if a committee called Lac La Ronge Housing Authority controlled by Sask Housing Corporation in Prince Albert which is given autonomy in the Minister’s office in Regina can kick people out of their home for distributing material not approved by the controlling elite there is no freedom on many issues. There is no religious ,educational, social freedom. We cannot even protect our health by something as simple as an uninterrupted sleep. What we experience can be experienced in similar of other ways by anyone in the North. The difference between us and many others is we make public what happens to us. Others are afraid to do so for good reason.
What about the accounts of women with small children losing their homes because they would not give sexual favours to a certain person or people? What about the accounts of people being promised a house for sexual favours?.These allegations should be investigated but no one will risk their home and their life until one couples breaks this bullying. These are worse things than what is happening to us. Rather they are all connected. We cannot spread information on morality and others do not have a right to practise morality without persecution.
There is no reason why we cannot live in our house. Mr. Parenteau has said to the Minister’s office that we could have a rental purchas programme. That means that the eleven years of rent we have paid should apply to the house plus whatever is left of his price of $20,000. There is no issue. He made up that we owe $5000 in arrears. La Ronge Housing says that we owe $400. They don’t even bother to coordinate their stories.( If these numbers seem pitifully small to some remember the rationale for public housing is it is for low income people and we have had a very low income for years.)
Forcing us to work in a house without open windows and without sunshine is a very fitting symbol of the northern’s elite mentality. Do not allow unauthorised ideas, un aurthorised knowledge, unauthorised activity. Do not allow the Light.
The communists and fascists of other countries would drag people out at night to arrest them and interrogate them. We are not beaten with rubber hoses or put in cells with freezing temperatures. However we do not know who has the key to the front door. We cannot lock or unlock that one. We do not know who could be allowed or ordered to come in and do us harm. Such an order has been given before.
This is rather like un- house arrest for an un-curfew for an invented crime. “ Not doing what you’re told” is not in the law books. Fittingly an invented punishment is used. No light can come into your house. No one can see your lights and the statue of Mary in the window. How they hate that statue! Instead of being confined to the house we are confined out of the house at night. Instead of being told to be in at a certain hour we are told to be out at a certain hour. And they love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil. God bless you including our enemies. Love, in Christ, Gay
Get real!!! I am Canadian. Canada welcomes, with open arms, multi-culturalism. Visit Ottawa on Canada Day, it is televised if you can’t get there. See how Canada honors our Northern brothers and sisters and all the peoples of Canada. We are a nation of diversity and we love it. I have aboriginal blood in me, as well as French, Irish and Scottish blood. We have Cody Insitute in Atlantic Canada that welcomes African students and they are ‘beautiful’!
If Gay Caswell’s claim of ‘eugenicide’ (destroying a race of people by sterilization and abortion) were taking place in Canada, there would be hell hell hell to pay! The Federal RCMP (Police), the Justice Department, the Military, the Canadian Government, the People of Canada and the Activists of Canada would be all over it and in an instant, the perpetrators would be imprisoned! Canada is not Communisitic, it is Democratic and all people are welcomed and protected within the law.
Gay Caswell operates a Catholic School in Barbant Lakes, Saskatchewan. I am told she had no students last year and possibly has one student (age unknown) this year. The school is a registered charity. She claims to be doing prolife work. She requested donations to her charity, including donors to pay for her house, supplies and a lot of other ongoing needs.
I personally do not wish to donate to her charity. That is a personal decision but I do not discourage anyone who feels they want to help her to do so. I have no animosity towards anyone. I will, however, defend the integrity of my country because I know it is good.
Regarding evangelizing the people of the North, I believe we have much to learn from them.
There is ‘NO’ eugenicide taking place in Canada. There are crimes, like all countries but do ‘not’ imply these or any crimes in Canada are organized and/or carried out by the government of our country. Criminal behavior is dealt with judicially and perpetrators are penalized and imprisoned. Canada is a free nation and possibly one of the best countries in the world today. It is beautiful and its people are respected and safe.
Prolife is a legitimate and good cause. Education is important and welcomed. Canada has a strong, moral heritage and life is, for the most part, respected. Like all nations, abortion does happen and under God’s care, we pray this phenomena will be understood and minimized and mothers and children will find the love and
support they need.
The quote above “The people who keep their houses do as they’re told” seems taken out of context. I know I keep my house if I pay my mortgage. I know I keep
my car if I make my payments. If I don’t “do as I’m told” by my lender… I will lose my house and/or my car. I would l like to know if this quote is taken out of context. I would like to speak with the Police Officer who allegedly said this to ask what it was in reference to.
If we are going to communicate with people and make the world a better place, we have to be transparent and impartial. We need to learn to live together in peace and peace comes from listening to each other. I like the words from desirata… “Speak your Truth quietly and clearly and listen, listen to even the dull and the ignorant for they, too, have their story.” Everyone has a story. Communication means listening and humbly sharing our thoughts and ideas with others.
This has been going on here for years. We all know her and feel sorry for her poor husband. He sticks with her even though she is nuts. They have to get their mail in La Ronge because they got booted out of the store in Brabant Lake for putting up all kinds of stuff on the walls and driving them nuts including accusing them of stealing the postage off the envelopes so that her letters to the Prime Minister and MP didn’t get mailed. Total BS, they don’t need postage, it’s the law.. you can send anything to your MP or the Prime Minister without a stamp and it has to get through. The reason why all the houses next to theirs are boarded up is because Sask Housing can’t rent them out. No one will live next to them. They are your neighbors from hell. Take a look at the pictures of their house, especially the before and after pictures. It used to have a lawn and everything else.. does it look like there’s any green lawn or sod under it now?
Gay cannot get along with anybody. Their eviction has nothing to do with religious pamphlets. It has everything to do with not paying their rent on time… she alludes to the $ 5000 in arrears but dismisses it. Yes they provide a years cheques in advance, but they aren’t any good and the staff at Sask Housing can’t by law say anything about that. Everything she writes are lies, or twisted to the point that there is truth in a word or two but was never relevant to what she is using it for now.
Neither of them work, yet they always have money. Take a look at their official Tax form for their ‘charity’. at the official government address.. https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/haip/srch/sec/SrchInput03Render-e?bn=874940950RR0001
You will notice that according to their last Revenue Canada Charities return they have $ 340,000 in assets and had revenues (donations) last year of $98,474 . But they didn’t pay any salaries out… just spent the money on travel and other stuff… So what do they live on? Sask Housing provides homes to low income families based on a percentage of their income.
Plus they have no students… they had some years ago, but it was their own children who have now moved away. Their religious beliefs have nothing to do with the way they are treated by the community which is all Aboriginal. They just view her as a mental case who causes trouble by harassing people and defaming them.
And finally, her prolife stuff is preaching to the converted in these communities. All of the families here have lots of children, there isn’t one woman in this area that anyone knows has ever had an abortion, and no one even gets their tubes tied. The closest hospital is in La Ronge a couple of hours drive away, and no one there will even give you the phone number of anywhere you could go to for an abortion, which is a good fund raising ploy on her behalf I guess. I can’t speak for Prince Albert (40,000 people), but if they even thought of having a program as she suggests it would be front page news through the north as well.
She is just nuts. Do not send her any money.
How can we get Rhonda’s and Melissa’s comments to others who do not read this site. The TRUTH as stated in their blogs and Terry’s as well. Not only in Canada but world wide. It is time to expose the Caswells for what they are doing with the money that has been sent to them in disguise for the charity’s. New Van…… I don’t think so as they received a new one last year after rolling their old van. This lady will not stop. Her message on pro-life is good but it is the way she is delivering the message that makes the difference.
“L’école Notre Dame du Nord” (Our Lady of the North School) Is the name of Gay’s School that has not had students other than her own children now grown and gone for several years. Use this Gov Site http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/charities/index.html and search for L’école Notre Dame du Nord you may now want to question what is really going on?
Sorry about the spelling mistake the name to look up is L’ECOLE NOTRE DAME DU NORD INC
“L’ECOLE NOTRE DAME DU NORD INC ” (Our Lady of the North School) Is the name of Gay’s School that has not had students other than her own children now grown and gone for several years. Use this Gov Site http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/charities/index.html and search for L’ECOLE NOTRE DAME DU NORD INC you may now want to question what is really going on?
How can Revenue Canada allow a charity to solicit donations between $85,000 and $350,000 a year for a school with no students. Why isn’t there an audit happening. I think Gay is stashing her money to take off back to the USA and disappear. Her sons are soliciting for her, even though she has all the money. They are seminarians in a Church founded by Cardinal George in the Archdiocese of Chicago called the Society of St. John Cantius, they have a church in Chicago. I’m not sure if Gay is paying their seminar too but she says the ‘Mission’ needs a priest so she’s got that one figured out too. I think the RCMP, the FBI, Revenue Canada and the IRS should be looking at this situation and I’m sure they are.
Dear Everyone…
I think the best way to expose the ‘Missionaries being Evicted from their Homes for Supporting ProLife” is to write a story with ‘all’ the information in it and send it off
to every newspaper across the country… contact 60 Minutes and other programs, including CBC and so on. Someone will run with it and the Caswells will be exposed. At some point, Revenue Canada will have to audit them. The Media. That’s the best way!
I would like to clarify a couple of things about the blog. First of all I would not believe anything that is written in it as it is just being used as a tactic to con unsuspecting people to donate to a ghost charity. Take myself, I am “NOT” the chairman of the HA and never have been. I am not the campaign chairman for the NDP Party nor have I ever been in the past. My wife does not even know who I vote for. I am extremely pro life and having three children and four grand children am also very much against drugs. My wife is aboriginal from northern Manitoba and has lived all her life in the northern provinces and territories of this country with the last 34 years being shared with myself. We can both honestly say that in all our years living in the north neither one of us knows anyone or have ever heard of anyone who has been forcibly sterilized. This just does not happen in this country and if it did heads would be rolling at all levels of government. Everything that has been written about myself and the Housing Authority has been evil slander and absolute lies. That is just us !!! The blog also slanders Sask Justice, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, The Crown Prosecuter, The School Division, Prominent members of the Catholic Church, Canada Post, local businesses and even senior citizens are being accused of being drug dealers. This is just to name a few. Comment #9 to #18 are right on the mark. By the way, I was present when the police were in BL and can tell you that they were extremely polite, professional and accommodating at all times. This comment “The people who keep their houses do as their told” was never made and is just another ploy to make people think that there is some kind of wrongdoing going on. Ask yourselves this – Would anyone who claims to be this religious and is out to save the world have this much hatred and rage that has been shown in this blog. I think not. You will also note that the comment section has also been removed from this blog so people cannot respond to the lies and BS that is being written. I guess whats good for the goose is not good for the gander. In closing I do sincerely hope that this person gets the help that she so desperatly needs.
Finally someone is telling the truth about the Caswells. If you gave consider yourself fooled if you didn’t , consider yourself wise. This is just as wrong as the email scams that continue to plague people.
It is time to STOP any more of this nonesense that is disguised as a need…. The Caswells have a WANT not a NEED. We all have wants but we obtain our wants not from begging but from working to achieve them.
Wake up all you con artists…. Stop playing on the public’s sympathies!!!!
Check out this blog http://mrsgaycaswellsblogpubliccomments8.blogspot.com/
I don’t quite understand what it is that has made you decide the original story is “all a hoax”.
Terrie Christian has made some allegations about the school, but her beliefs are not backed up by any hard evidence, as far as I can tell.
Rhonda claims to know the Caswells but is vague about the relationship. (Is she in the same community? If so, why not come right out and say that? If not, how can she know the things she alleges?) She writes, “But they didn’t pay any salaries out… just spent the money on travel and other stuff…” That “other stuff” is precisely the work the Caswells have been doing for years, much of which is listed on the forms Terrie Christian is so eager for us to read.
Unlike Terrie and Rhonda, I actually DO know the Caswells; one of their daughters is a friend of mine. Gay Caswell is not milking unsuspecting people for money. She sincerely believes she is speaking the truth and helping people. I will admit she is eccentric, but she does NOT deserve the slander she has received in these posts.
If we claim to be pro-life and ESPECIALLY if we claim to be Christian, we should find out the truth instead of believing random unsubstantiated blog posts.
I wish we could get some more hard facts about this, rather than the “he said, she said” stuff we’ve got. It doesn’t do much good to say, “This kind of thing doesn’t happen in Canada.” We have to KNOW that’s true by investigating.
Your correct about one thing John P. A lot more personal investigations should be done. I stand by my words. Gay Caswell is a scam artist. Its funny but sad what some people will believe. Check out the facts.
Check Out this address on Gay Caswell.
John: If you know the Caswells like you say you do then you have been scammed too…. she presents herself and her plight in such a way that she scams her “friends” as well. Go to Brabant…. see for yourself….. the truth is there. This is not about PRO LIFE or RELIGION… it is about a couple who have scammed every government department they deal with, scammed their neighbours, scammed people in authority and even scammed their pets. If you don’t bow down to their demands then you are immediately blogged on her site and slandered the way SHE SEES IT.
You want hard facts…..Go there and see for yourself what these people have accomplished with the money they have received through the guise of charity!
John P
I too know the Caswell’s personally. I wish I could say more positive things about them. Mr Caswell was once an MLA for the Conservatives in Saskatchewan, and now things that everyone who is not a conservative is out to get her because she is one. She claims that the RCMP and NDP have bugged her phone line. She constantly slanders peoples and comes up with half truths.
Now I suppose I could do more investigating on them, if I wanted, however I do not want to spend my time trying to bring them down, however I do want some people to know a few things. I do believe everyone has a right to their own opinion, however I don’t believe in spreading false rumours trying to destroy a person. I heard a quote yesterday and it made me think of the Caswells. Just because we go to church does not make us Christian anymore than standing in garage makes us a car.
I have pity for them. At first I was infuriated by some of the things that Mrs Caswell has said, but decided not to give her the satisfaction. So I am having a war within as I write this.
When the Caswell’s first moved to the north they lived with other people, some have said off of other people, but I don’t have any evidence to prove that. They didn’t need anyone to “bully” them out of places, they have ostracized themselves. When they first moved to the north they were not even Catholics, they converted after they moved.
I do not believe in abortion, and know many people who refuse to have anything to do with it. They say that this is their message that they are out there spreading, however, in my conversations with them, have not have any of their anti-abortion messages. I am trying to remember if it has been “published” in their “newsletter” Brabant Lake Times, but cannot remember any anti-abortion messages, although I do admit I can be mistaken. The majority of their messages have been about how people are out to get them.
In her blogs Mrs Caswell contradicts herself many times. She talks about people getting handouts and how they are spending the tax payers money when they should be out there trying to work; when this is exactly what she does, however she gets other people to send her food, and money for doing this charity work. I am a hardworking person, I pay my own rent, own my own vehicle, buy my own food, have a university education. My dad is a residential school survivor, so are my aunts and uncles. Regardless, my grandparents, were stout Catholics. My brothers and I were raised in a strong Catholic family. We pass on the Catholic faith to the younger ones in our family. But you will not hear me begging for pity because my dad went to residential school. Yes my dad was impacted by some of the things that happened there and if Mrs Caswell tried to understand the Aboriginal side of things, maybe she would have a little more compassion. And she has the balls to call herself Metis eight times removed or whatever it is. She said she is discriminated because she is Metis.
I could go on and on, here, but I’ll stop there. I hope that I can be forgiven for showing my weakness and allowing myself to try and put a stop to Mrs Caswell’s slander.
Yes, she is one very disturbed person (and I do know her personally and have for over 30 years…but wish I didn’t!). She has very serious mental health problems and is taking her husband down with her. Their so called “school” and charity need to be investigated….it is all one big SCAM!