There truly is a blog for everything. You can find what seem to be some pretty good sandwich recipes at this site.
People are incensed that this woman is cooking for her man. I am not. Cook away, I say.
I met a guy. I made a sandwich. I started a blog. And I enraged feminists everywhere. On Wednesday, I wrote in The Post about how my boyfriend Eric’s joke remark after making him a snack — “Honey, you’re 300 sandwiches away from an engagement ring!” — inspired me to do just that and chronicle the project on a Web site,
Except he is not “her man.” Cuz they are living together, which means one or the other of them has one foot out the door, so to speak. Cohabitation is, as they say, good preparation for divorce. Sad to say, since so many people do it for the opposite reason.
So while no one would accuse me of being a feminist, (Editor’s note: Actually, people have tried, but I assure you, the feminists don’t want me), this “300 sandwiches until engagement” seems to be getting things in the wrong order.
All she can do at this point is keep making sandwiches and hope for the best.
I hope he keeps to his end of the bargain.

I make my husband’s lunch (sandwich, etc.) and I also iron his shirts. Not because I am a downtrodden, disenfranchised woman, but because I enjoy doing these little things for him, which he appreciates. And, frankly, I love ironing…
But, boy, what a furor in the office when I once mentioned that I make my husband’s lunch, etc. Men and women alike (younger than me, I might add) looked at me as though I was some bizarre creature from another time and place!
You pretty much know that a movement, in this case, feminism, has gone astray when a hallmark of it is to cease doing kind things for someone you love.