Not a happy poll result:
OTTAWA — Two out of three Canadians either support or somewhat support the appointment of Dr. Henry Morgentaler to the prestigious Order of Canada, reveals a new poll, which points out Prime Minister Stephen Harper is in the minority by voicing his “personal dissatisfaction” with the controversial nomination.
I would still think it wrong even if 99.99% of Canadians approved, so in that sense I don’t mind being in the minority. Can two-thirds really approve? I admit I’m surprised and puzzled. Perhaps different polls will show different results, I don’t know. Perhaps this one really represents the views of Canadians – if so, that’s more than a bit discouraging.
Andrea asks: How do you somewhat agree (37 per cent) or somewhat oppose (16 per cent)? Does this actually mean that more than half (53 per cent) of Canadians are conflicted? Or perhaps they just sit on the fence? Or it’s hot out and it’s patio season and why are you asking me about Morgentaler? Listen, I’m not going to toss a poll result just because I don’t like it, but I wish Canadians would buck up and be hot or cold. Or must we always be mediocre? Nothing better we can do than abortion, so I guess I might as well thank Morgentaler. Pass me a beer.
Tanya adds: This poll from a Southern Ontario news source is pretty 50/50.
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