Amidst all the talk of a victory for women’s rights, some writers get it right:
I get the feeling Dr. Morgentaler has a selective respect for the rights of others. The rights of women who agree with his views are paramount. The rights of unborn children are non-existent. The beliefs of women who disagree with him are to be dismissed; any religion which advocates against his views is to be disregarded; the qualms of those Canadians appalled at the carnage that has flowed from his work are to be ignored. I suspect -— and I’m just guessing -— that what’s important to Dr. Morgentaler is his beliefs alone. Others’ beliefs are inconsequential. Maybe this callousness is what lets him so easily take life away from so many.
This is my point: It is a callous sort of Canada that offers abortion first. It is callous to make that choice easy. It de facto denies the rest of us the ability to help. It is unfair to tell a woman in her early twenties (stats tell us this is when most of these abortions occur) that she’ll be a better mom later on “when she’s ready” only to find there is no later on. Women’s rights do not involve the forfeiture of that which makes us women.
Show me an abortionist and I’ll show you a misogynist.

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