Watch here. Interesting concept, having live women sit in windows for sale to prove a point. Almost graphic, isn’t it. Shocking. Unless and until it’s made legal, in which case, it’s all apparently dandy and fine. Nothing to see here, move along, folks!
Anyhoo. I like the quote from the former prostitute. If you don’t get a chance to watch, the news story basically says she got into the business at 12 and she is emphatic that no one ever chooses to have whatever someone else wants done to her body. (And yes, the link between prostitution and human trafficking is very real.)

Thanks very much for this post. Very pertinent.
Tragedy of trafficking is thousand of young girls and boys are sold into modern-day slavery. watch these stories of the victims it provides a compelling look into this dark, inhuman, and exploitative world and shows how each one of us can help to prevent modern-day slavery.
Good article on the cost of prostitution on society here by Melissa Farley