The entirety of this post is from a doctor who wrote in:
If Morgentaler gets this Order of Canada, it goes without saying that this is the greatest disgrace for this most prestigious award. However, the main issue at stake is that it makes abortion into something good. Until now, even for extremist pro-abortion people, abortion was seen as a tragedy where women had a choice to ‘terminate’ their offspring with the help of the medical profession. But now, it has been glorified to the point of making evil into good. Its main defender may be made a national hero.
How can I accept this? Impossible. I would share with you four episodes to which I was personal witness during my medical training.
You be the judge if they can be considered a good.
1) During one of my ICU rotations, a woman in her late seventies had just suffered a major medical crisis. She was very agitated, but we did not know why. We suspected it was her medical problem; however, the clinical signs did not fit together. I spent sometime talking to her and what she confided to me was she wanted to talk to a priest before dying. She then volunteered that while teenager she had had an abortion and she was very tormented by this. We managed to get her a priest and she was more at peace after that.
2) While doing outpatient medicine, I saw a single-African-Canadian mother. She was pregnant and she was asking for advice on how to handle her situation. I asked her if she wanted to keep the baby. She said this is what she wanted. I re-assured her that we were going to help her with her choice. I referred to our social worker. One week later when I returned to the clinic, I approached the social worker for follow up with the case. With a smile and beaming with pride, she said: “I convinced her to have an abortion and referred her to the abortion clinic..after all; this is the best choice for her.” I was left speechless.
3) Doing a chronic pain clinic, I saw a single-African-Canadian mother suffering from fibromyalgia. She was involved in a physically abusive relationship and she would not stop crying. The medical team was having hard time managing her pain, and the medical specialist made clear to us it was due to her difficult social situation. The doctor shared with us the story: she was pregnant and had two little girls at home but the boyfriend did not want the baby. So at 24 weeks pregnant she was referred to a tertiary care hospital for a late term abortion. First they killed the baby with medication and then they gave her inducers to deliver the body. She was waiting in her hospital room to start the ‘labor’ and then she needed to go to the bathroom. While in the bathroom, strong labor contractions ensued and the pain specialist then told us: “suddenly, the ‘thing’ felt to the floor and it was a boy”. Needless to say, the poor woman had been traumatized since then.
4) And the last one to illustrate that even pro-abortion people know what is wrong. One of my supervisors, staunchly anti-religious (especially anti-catholic), but otherwise very nice, shared with me the story of his wife aborting their first child who suffered from Down Syndrome. He admitted the experience had been harder for his wife than for him. Later, when his second child, a ‘normal’ daughter, was four months, she got really sick requiring intubation and ICU admission. There was a significant danger that she might be left with cerebral damage after this medical crisis. He told me: “it was as if the Universe was getting back to us for aborting our firstborn.”
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