An actual article is definitely an improvement! Still, I love how the only pictures I ever see in the mainstream media of the March makes sure they only include people over the age of 65. Forget the hundreds of young people dancing on the steps of Parliment…
Holy smokes!! There were 454 comments on that article!! Needless to say, they were split 50/50 on the issue and a ton were filled with vitriolic drivel that had nothing to do with abortion, but still…I wonder how many other articles hit THAT much of a nerve…
An actual article is definitely an improvement! Still, I love how the only pictures I ever see in the mainstream media of the March makes sure they only include people over the age of 65. Forget the hundreds of young people dancing on the steps of Parliment…
I thought The Toronto Star was a lot better:–huge-anti-abortion-rally-hails-canada-s-new-foreign-aid-stand?bn=1
Holy smokes!! There were 454 comments on that article!! Needless to say, they were split 50/50 on the issue and a ton were filled with vitriolic drivel that had nothing to do with abortion, but still…I wonder how many other articles hit THAT much of a nerve…