A father who was found guilty of criminally harassing his daughter and threatening violence against her to force her to submit to his will (and save the family’s “honour”) was sentenced to 12 months in prison.
Yusef Al Mezel sent to jail after a judge determined it was the minimum penalty he could serve that would adequately reflect the “strong need” for denunciation and general deterence.
Not that he’s likely to spend much time in prison (people here rarely serve as much as half their sentence), and not that it’s likely to deter such men – he himself said, in an email to his daughter, that “no one will care about police or other thing, you know your family”. But hey. It’s a start.

This case is simply boiled down to a conflict between a father and his daughter. Many fathers, and mothers for that matter, have conflicts with their children; it is part of the parenting process and family dynamic.
|Its all lies.. there was no dowrie no man no crashing or hitting.. thats all media bullsh*t