I loved this article. Suresh is a “Hindu who trends more toward the orthodox side of Hinduism.” He was born between Hindu temples, a mosque and a cathedral, and if anyone would know about multiculturalism or interfaith issues, it would be him. It was refreshing to see him remind us that we ought not take Christ out of Christmas for the sake of political correctness, so as to make Christmas inoffensive to other peoples.
He writes:
If the political fashion designers of religions believe they are doing minorities any favour by “Christcleansing,” they are dead wrong. They are actually disrespecting us and making us feel guilty of something we have never asked them to do.
And he makes a good point because he knows if Christianity is on the “chopping block,” his religion might be next.
This is firing me up to speak up again and exert my rights to hear about Christ in Christmas. Who knows? Today it is Christmas, tomorrow I might see Diwali or Id or Vaisakhi dissected for political correctness.
Echoing these very sentiments is MP Nina Grewal, a Sikh, also pleading her case for us to respect Christmas as a Christian feast. See her Statement in the House of Commons which she bravely made just a few days ago.
So Merry Christmas everyone! And remember, whether you are a Christian, a Muslim, a Sikh, Jane or a Hindu, or a non-believer, Jesus is the reason for the Season.
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