Evan Harris from the UK, Monday, had this to say to the press.
What, really, the number of abortions tells us is the number of unwanted pregnancies. That’s the fundamental issue. And the best way to tackle that, as other countries have shown, is to have much better sexual relationships education than we have and much better access to … contraception. (emphasis mine)
He seems, like so many other pro-abortionists, to bring up the issue of unwanted pregnancy like it’s a sort of illness to avoid. Usually, government will offer the obvious methods of disease prevention. Don’t want lung cancer? Quit smoking. Don’t want to be obese? Eat sensibly and exercise. Don’t want to be pregnant? Here’s the kicker. The answer should be ‘refrain from sex outside of a committed relationship.’ But this simple solution evades us. Instead, a more complicated answer is offered, and this cleverly disguised as ‘comprehensive sex education.’
It’s a bit like if government were to say, “Well, the people are going to eat poorly anyways, so let’s start endorsing the latest diet craze or weight-loss pill.”

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