Women don’t earn less than men, access to abortion is not about women’s rights, and Bill C-484 is not about abortion. Other than that, I suppose this article is just fine.
Véronique adds: There is an interesting dichotomy here. In 1928, the Supreme Court decided that women were not “qualified persons” and we look back with righteous indignation: How can “personhood” be so arbitrarily determined? Yet, in the same breath, we condemn Bill C-484 thus reaffirming our right to arbitrarily determine the non-personhood of the fetus. Pushing the irony even further, we can see that the same court — although differently made-up — declared women and fetuses non-persons.
I would like to know what is the moral basis of that argument. What makes arbitrary determinations of personhood and humanity wrong when it comes to women yet right when it comes to fetuses? Is it just that excluding fetuses is easier? More convenient? That’s not much of a moral argument.
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