In this country, a baby isn’t a baby until it emerges fully from the birth canal. So what happens here? Do we have a murder, or not? The mother is in stable condition. The legal non-entity in her womb, however, is not.
A newborn who was delivered by emergency C-section after its mother was stabbed multiple times died in hospital Monday, police said.
Police were called to a home in the city’s Montreal North borough around 2:30 a.m. and found the woman, 33, stabbed multiple times in the upper and lower body.
The suspect was not at home when police arrived and the victim, who was eight months pregnant, was transported to hospital.
“The woman is in stable condition,” Brabant said. “Unfortunately the baby did not survive its wounds and was pronounced dead in hospital.”

Andrea, apparently the baby was alive when it was delivered by C-section. Thus there could be a murder charge.
Thanks, Beth. It’s ludicrous that if the baby had died in utero there wouldn’t have been. Only because there is no difference between the two situations. But if there is a murder charge, I’ll be glad–because there should be one.