Today the US Supreme Court officially released a decision overruling Roe v. Wade. While this is an American decision with no implication for Canadian law, some politicians north of the border have already politicized the issue. For all of the undersigned women, however, overturning bad law marks a point of immense encouragement. We speak out because those leaders who defend abortion do not speak for us. We speak out in defence of all human beings from their biological beginnings until death. We speak out because defending and advocating for women also means defending and advocating for our preborn children.
The following outlines some of what we believe as regards the possibility of overturning Roe v. Wade:
- Roe v Wade was bad law because it fabricated a constitutional right that did not exist.
- Roe v Wade and Planned Parenthood v Casey aided the falsehood that women need abortion in order to achieve equality with men. This had the consequence of idealizing male biology and pressuring women to mimic a man’s ability to walk away from sex seemingly consequence free while, for many of them, still facing the horrendous consequences of abortion.
- Women’s ability to be pregnant and carry a child is not a disability to overcome, but a reality to treasure.
- A woman who has made the choice to end her pregnancy understands how difficult this can be.
- Supporting “a right to choose” both ignores what that choice entails and does nothing to address the circumstances that led to that decision, but instead allows society to ignore them. By supporting women’s choices in the abstract, we minimize the very real difficulties women face and discourage real solutions.
- There is much more work to do for the pro-life community and society at large to truly support women. We need to change hearts, allay fears, and provide courage alongside practical and emotional support. This work is ongoing and will continue.
- Social and cultural change is needed to allow for the well being of both mother and child alongside attaining legal protection for every human life from its biological beginnings until natural death.
- It is a good thing when unjust laws are overturned. Therefore, we are deeply encouraged and hopeful that future laws will no longer adhere to an immoral, reprehensible standard that harmed so many women and men and killed so many children.
We, the undersigned, are women who stand united in opposition to abortion. We see the end of Roe v Wade as encouraging, yet find our voices inadequately represented in the public square. We pledge to ensure that this changes in the future as we make this joint statement.
Tabitha Ewert – 604 220 1258
Jakki Jeffs – 519 820 3399 (cell) 519 821 9604 (office)
Andrea Mrozek – 613.241.4500 ext. 503
Current Signatories
The following 1101 women have signed up. The list will be updated daily.
- jean greer - Grandmother (AB)
- Jules - Administrator (MB)
- Minnie Hoogstra - Mother, grandmother (BC)
- Sr. Jane Ducharme - retired teacher, Religious Sister (ON)
- Adrian Koster - (ON)
- Adriana VanderBrugghen - Mom grandma great grandmother (MB)
- Adriana Speelman - Mother of 3, Grandmother of 8, Bookkeeper (ON)
- Adrienne Mugwanya - (BC)
- Agnus-Mariae Lucas - Teacher and Missionary (MB)
- Aida Changanaqui - (AB)
- Albany - Engineering technologist (BC)
- Albertha Bosch - Mother of Three, Director of Communications (ON)
- Aleana Vanspronsen - Childcare provider (BC)
- Alessandra Williams - Dental administrator, mom (BC)
- Alice Hoogerdyk - Mother and Controller (AB)
- Alice Horrocks - mother, mathematician (PE)
- Alicia Zalit - Mentor and mother of 3 (BC)
- Aliena Vandenberg - Mom (AB)
- Alissa Golob - (AB)
- Alissa Paley - Registered Nurse (AB)
- Allison Rivas - (AB)
- Allison Scott - Mother and Registered Nurse (AB)
- Aloma Rodrigues - Mother (ON)
- Alyssa Holstock - Mom (ON)
- Amanda VanAndel - Mother (ON)
- Amanda DB - Mom & Nurse (ON)
- Amanda Overduin - Mother (ON)
- Amy Benton - Daycare Teacher (BC)
- Amy Klassen - Public School Teacher (BC)
- Amy Shrupka - Mom and teacher (MB)
- andrea dresselhuis - Nurse researcher (BC)
- Andrea Edgar - (BC)
- Andrea Kettle - Mom (QC)
- Andi - HealthCare (AB)
- Andrea Bekolay Perron - Mom (QC)
- Andrea Hiebert - Mom and Teacher (BC)
- Angela - Mom/grandma (BC)
- Angela Desmond - Nurse/mom (NB)
- Angela Hulst - Administrator (AB)
- Angela Rooke - Lactation Consultant (AB)
- Angelina Jans - Educational Assistant (ON)
- Angie Essery - Disabled Daughter whose older brother lived because my mom said no to a father who told her to abort. (ON)
- Angie Kohlen - Mother, Grandma, Great Grandma (BC)
- Angie S - (AB)
- Anita Schouten - Mother and Grandmother (BC)
- Anita Vermeulen - Mother and grandmother to many blessings (ON)
- Anita Marguerite Taylor - Mother/Grandmother (ON)
- Ann Staines - Retired (ON)
- Ann Stevenson - Elder Care (AB)
- Ann - Mother, grandmother (BC)
- Ann E Sullivan - Retired (ON)
- Ann M - Mother, Grandmother, Former RN (N/A)
- Ann Stel - MOM (ON)
- Ann-Marie Desharnais - Wife Mother Grandmother Great-grandmother Daughter Sister Aunt (MB)
- Ann-Marie Desharnais - Mother. Grandmother Great grandmother (MB)
- Anna Hiebert - Primary Teacher (ON)
- Anna Marchand - Wife, friend, aunt (ON)
- Anna McFarlane - Trades (BC)
- Anna - Mom of 3/Registered Nurse (AB)
- Anna - Grandma (BC)
- Anna Kim - Mother (ON)
- Anna M - ECE, mother, farmer (ON)
- Anna Nienhuis - Policy Analyst & Editor (BC)
- Anna Maria Di Ponio - (ON)
- Anna Maria O\'Hagan - Wife, mother and grandmother (BC)
- Anna-Marie Barendregt - Mom (BC)
- Annabel Pitsiaeli - Mother (BC)
- Anne Booker - Mother (SK)
- Anne Shiley - Wife (ON)
- A. Francis - School Administrator (ON)
- Anne - (ON)
- Anne - Mom. Retired. (BC)
- Anne - dairy farmer (AB)
- Anne Grace - Student at university (ON)
- Anne Waggoner - retired teacher (ON)
- Anne-Marie Sikkema - Wife/Mom/Grandma (ON)
- Anneke Kerkhof - Mother of many (BC)
- Annette Veenendaal - Mom (MB)
- A Hazelhoff - Office Manager (AB)
- Annette Nobel - Mother and Grandmother (ON)
- AnnetteVanGrootheest - Consultant (ON)
- Any way - Librarian (SK)
- Antonia Kampen - Domestic Engineer (ON)
- Aria - Mother of 4, homemaker, hairdresser (AB)
- Arianne Jansen - Farmer mother of 4 (ON)
- Arlene Medemblik - Mom (ON)
- Arlene - Mom, Grandma, School bus driver, and senior companion (AB)
- Ashleigh Hantrey - (ON)
- Ashley Klyn - Mom (ON)
- Ashley Scholefield - Icu RN (SK)
- Ashley K - Social worker (BC)
- Athena - Homemaker (BC)
- Audrey Dube - Retired church administrator (SK)
- Audrey Janzen - Mom and Education Assistant (BC)
- Audrey Lemieux - Mother, Educator (ON )
- Audrey Orchard - nurse (BC)
- Aura Zamora - Disabled Mother (ON)
- Ayumi Igarashi-Nakazato - (MB)
- Babette Zach6 - Receptionist (MB)
- Bailey Ewald - Lab tech (AB)
- Balita Diaz - Teacher (ON)
- Barb VanRaalte - Mom and Grandma (AB)
- Barbara Romanek - Mom, Grandma (ON)
- Barbara Cassidy - grandmother (ON)
- Barra Gots - Wife, Mom, Grandmother, Great-grandmother, Retired Fisheries Biologist (ON)
- Beckee Smith - Mom of 7 (AB)
- BEHRENZ CHANDRA - Registration Clerk (SK)
- Bella Desa - Mom (ON)
- Berna Najm - (ON)
- Bernadette - Mother of 8 (ON)
- Bernice McMahon - Educator (AB)
- Bernice Wubs - (BC)
- Bernice - Homemaker (AB)
- Bernice Brouwer - Bio and adoptive Mom of 6 (ON)
- Bernita Van Hierden - Mom, Grandma, Farm Administrator (AB)
- Beth - Business Executive and Mom (ON)
- Betty Breukelman - Grandmother (ON)
- Betty Hargreaves - Administration (ON)
- Betty Scherger - Mom (AB)
- Betty Thompson - (SK)
- Betty Thornley - Mother, Grandmother (ON)
- Betty Ann Braun - Musician (BC)
- Betty Barrett - Mother-of 3 - GrandMother- of 7 Great GrandMother of 14 (ON)
- Beverley Ellis - Mother, (BC)
- Bev Pattenaude - Retired (ON)
- Bobbi-Jo Haynes - Mother (ON)
- Bobbie Joe Dunford - Mum (BC)
- Boeve Jane - Self employed (BC)
- Bonita Doesburg - Self employed (AB)
- Bonnie Strohschein - Retired (AB)
- Bonnie Way - Mom (BC)
- Brenda Virtue - Retired ICU/Emerg RN (ON)
- Brenda - Counsellor (MB)
- Brenda Ewald - wife, mother, grandmother (BC)
- Brenda Ann Schubert - wife, mother, grandmother (BC)
- Brenda Kondra - Mother, Grandmother (SK)
- Brenda Lobbezoo - Mom/homemaker (AB)
- Brittany Greydanus - Mother (ON)
- Brittany Reid - Homemaker (ON)
- Bronwyn Gray - Grad Student (BC)
- Brooke Dias - (BC)
- C Thompson - Self employed (ON)
- C. Jones - Retired (ON)
- Caitlin Citton - Pet Care (ON)
- Camilla Gunnarson - Small business owner (ON)
- Candice Malcolm - Mum and journalist (BC)
- Carla van der Breggen - Medical office assistant (MB)
- Carlene Wall - Business Owner (MB)
- Carmel Dear - CCBR Intern (BC)
- Carmelina S. - Teacher (ON)
- Carmella S - Homemaker and Mother (BC)
- Carol Brandt - ECE III (MB)
- Carol - Retired (AB)
- Carol Baker - Mother/Grandmother/Systems Analyst (AB)
- Carol Gaboury - prefered to add no title (ON)
- Carol Renaud - Wife, Mother and Grandmother (ON)
- Carole Irwin - Retired home care worker (ON)
- Caroline - Health worker (ON)
- Caroline Dubois - Clerk (MB)
- Caroline Gainey - Mom, teacher, Gran (ON)
- Caroline Kralt - Mother, new grandmother, part-time florist (ON)
- Caroline Noorloos - Mother of 7 (ON)
- Caroline Heikoop - Mother (AB)
- Caroline VanGrootheest - mother, grandmother, daughter, teacher (ON)
- CQ - Mom (ON)
- Carolyn - Teacher, mother (AB)
- Carolyn Crummer - Cashier (ON)
- Carolyn Haan - Mom, Grandmother, retired Pharmacy Assistant (ON)
- Carolyn Machan - retired (BC)
- Cassie Lamoureux - Mom (MB)
- Catharine Kavanagh - Young Professional (AB)
- Catharine Klop - Teacher (BC)
- Cathay Wagantall - Member of Parliament (SK)
- Catherine Benoza - Mother & Educator (ON)
- Catherine Vajdik - Mom (MB)
- Catherine Sinke - Mother Grandmother (ON)
- Catherine Butler - mother, grandmother (ON)
- Catherine D. - Mother, Wife, Human Services (AB)
- Catherine T - Mother, Home-wducator (ON)
- Cathy Bieman - (ON)
- Cathy Dienesch - Executive Assistant (ON)
- Cathy Jager - Grandma (ON)
- Cathy Scheper - Mom (ON)
- Cathy - (ON)
- Cathy F Molto - Mother (ON)
- Cayle - Mom (MB)
- Cecile Kanis - Mom and Oma (BC)
- Cecilia - Mother (ON)
- Cecilia Lowe - Grandmother (ON)
- Celeste Woitowicz - Mother of 4 Grandmother of 7 (ON)
- Celia - Mother (BC)
- Chandre Hulst - Mom (AB)
- Chantel - (ON)
- Charity Watson - Mom of 5 (AB)
- Charity - Mother (ON)
- Charity Wielinga - Farmer (ON)
- Charlayne Mallare - Claims Specialist (BC)
- Charlotte Dombowsky - Self employed (SK)
- Charlotte Holland - retired principal (MB)
- Charlotte Kamminga - Homemaker, Mother, Crafter (MB)
- Charmaine Van Maren - Editor, Mother (ON)
- Chelsea E - Mom of 4, wife, sister, daughter, friend (SK)
- Chelsey - Mom and Teacher (BC)
- Cherie Buikema - Mother of 6 beautiful children (ON)
- Cheryl - Mother, Grandmother (NS)
- Cheryl Doiron - School Librarian; Mom; Sister; Daughter; Wife (MB)
- Cheryl Roberts - Mother & Retired Nurse (AB)
- Cheryl Schatz - Mother (BC)
- Cheryl Stewart - personal support worker (ON)
- Christin - Mother and Writer (AB)
- Christina Hopman - Teaxher (AB)
- Christina King - (ON)
- Christina Schutten - Mother of 7, Grandmother of 27 (ON)
- Christina E - Mother of 7, Administrative Executive (BC)
- Christine Lee - Mom (ON)
- Christine Bos - Mom (ON)
- Christine Mason - Retired (BC)
- CS - Wife, mom, grandma (ON)
- Chrystal Dulmage - Psychotherapist (ON)
- Cindy Kuntz - Mom and Grandma (AB)
- Cindy Geiger - Retired Senior Mom Grandma Wife (AB)
- Cindy Harasen - Mother (ON)
- Cindy Kwok - Nurse (ON)
- Ciska Verloop - Mother (BC)
- Carmencita Musni - Mom (ON)
- Claire Mackness - Nursing Student (ON)
- Clara Creglia - (ON)
- Clare Hansford - Mother of 5, grandmother of 9 and teacher (ON)
- Clarice Flewelling - Mother & Grandmother (ON)
- Claudia Francis - Domestic engineer (ON)
- Colette Nantais - Legal secretary mother grandmother (ON)
- Colleen Arsenault - Retired (PE)
- Colleen Cudney - Mother (ON)
- Colleen Storey - Mom of 8; grandmother of 13 & 1 on the way (BC)
- Colleen Pritchett - (BC)
- Corinna Bulthuis - Mother (BC)
- Cornelia Lyanga - Retired (ON)
- Courtney - (ON)
- Crystal Vanderveen - mom (MB)
- Cynthia Onderwater - mom (BC)
- Cynthia Perry - Associate, Sisters of Charity I.C (NB) (NB)
- D KleineDeters - Mother of 5. Grandmother of 15 (BC)
- Dahnae Ford - Mom to 8 including one pre-born child. (BC)
- Dale Barr - Nurse, Mom and Mimi (ON)
- Damaris Rey - Civil Engineer (ON)
- Danielle Pettie - Mother (BC)
- Darcy Engel - Retired Healthcare worker (SK)
- Darleen - (MB)
- Deanna Belanger - Mother (AB)
- Deb Versteeg - Homemaker (MB)
- Debbie Hipkiss - Receptionist (AB)
- Debbie Wilker - Social Worker (BC)
- Debbie Blokker - Mom of 6 grandmother to 18 (ON)
- Debbie Ouwersloot - Personal Support worker and SAHM (ON)
- Debbie Swaving - Mother, Grandmother (ON)
- Deborah Mullan - VP of Sales, Mother (AB)
- Deb Van Ember - Mom (AB)
- Deborah Underwood - (SK)
- Deborah Woelders - Mother, grandmother, Administrator/Board Member (BC)
- Denie Heppner - Retired (AB)
- Denise Mans - Mother (AB)
- Denise VanDyk - Mother; Book keeper (ON)
- Denise Chun - Mother and Teacher (ON)
- Denise Ravensbergen - MOM teacher (ON)
- Denyse I O\'Leary - science writer (BC)
- Devin Vanleeuwen - Daycare Worker (ON)
- Diana Thompson - (AB)
- - Mother (ON)
- Mrs - Mum (AB)
- Diane Dengler - Retired (SK)
- Diane Neels - Mom (AB)
- Diane Pamenter - Wife, Mother, Grandmother (N/A)
- Diane Watts - Researcher (ON)
- Dianna - Mother (AB)
- Dianne McVitty - Retired obstetrical nurse (ON)
- Dianne Prekaski - Retired (SK)
- Dianne Poisson - (ON)
- Dianne Wood - Mother, Grandmother (N/A)
- Didi Andrews - Mother (N/A)
- Dina Lodder - (ON)
- Doerthe Rosenow - Mother, bookkeeper (BC)
- Dolores Mckernan - Mother (ON)
- Donna Murphy - Catholic (ON)
- Donna Siemens - Mom & Retired Registered Nurse (BC)
- Doreen Yung - Mother, Therapist (BC)
- Dorothea Charters - Mother (ON)
- Dorothy Kloepfer - mother and grandmother (ON)
- Dorothy Wilchynski - (SK)
- Dorothy Vogel - homeschooling mom of 9 Oma to 18 (ON)
- Dorothy-Ann Wilcox - Grandmother Farmer? manager (ON)
- Dr. Jane M Hosdil - BSc, MD (ON)
- E Young - (PE)
- Ebelien Wattel - (ON)
- Eileen Ramsay - Mother, Grandmother, Retired Insurance Broker (ON)
- Elaine Arnsby - :Mother and Grandmother (ON)
- Elaine Cavalier - (ON)
- Elaine Jacobi - Mom of 4, Office Manager (AB)
- Elaine Murphy - Retired (ON)
- Elaine Tomajko - (ON)
- Elaine S - Mother and doctor (ON)
- Eleanor Verkoeyen - (ON)
- Eleanor Boeringa - (ON)
- Eleanor P. - Wife, mother, homeschool teacher (ON)
- Elisabeth V - Mom and Oma. Previous RN. (PE)
- Elise Adolphe - Educator (ON)
- Eliza Benterud - Mom, Company Administrator (BC)
- Eliza Trotter - Campus Ministry Director (ON)
- Elizabeth Boille - Mom, grandma (MB)
- Elizabeth Flitton - Secretary (BC)
- Elizabeth Predy - Retirtr (SK)
- Elizabeth Saipe - Teacher (AB)
- Elizabeth Tan - Homemaker/Homeschooler (ON)
- Elizabeth Tanguay - Labour and Delivery nurse (ON)
- Elizabeth Borhi - Mom, grandma. (BC)
- Elizabeth Doucette - (ON)
- Elizabeth H - Mother of 3 , grand mother of 2 and retired (ON)
- Elizabeth Loch - Grandmother (BC)
- Elizabeth Smith - Teacher (ON)
- Elizabeth V - Mom, Nurse (AB)
- Elizabeth Vandergriendt - Mother (BC)
- Ella Jans - Mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. (ON)
- Elly Oskam - Homemaker, Church Administration (AB)
- Elsa Van Harten - Nurse (ON)
- Elsje Vreugdenhil - Mom and grandmother (MB)
- Elvira Dizon - Religious (ON)
- Elyse Vroom - Office Manager (BC)
- Elyssa Currey - Ballet Dancer/Teacher (ON)
- Emilie - Social Services (ON)
- Emily - Student (ON)
- Emma Kuizenga - Realtor and Mom (ON)
- Emma Tolsma - Insurance broker (BC)
- Emma I - Teacher (SK)
- Emmy Lou Canedo - Photographer (BC)
- Ena Malvern - Mother (ON )
- Erica Feunekes - Mother, health care assistant (BC)
- erika vossebelt - Post secondary Student (AB)
- Erma Vietorisz - Mother, Grandmother, Retired Teacher, (BC)
- Estelle April - Mom (SK)
- Ester da Silva - Mother, grandmother (ON)
- Esther Gardner - Mom, Grandma (BC)
- Esther Johnson - Client care coordinator/Mother (AB)
- Esther VanManen - Mother, wife and Business partner (ON)
- Ewert Esther - Mother (BC)
- Evelyn Kerkhoff - Mother (BC)
- Evelyn Kooistra - Mother, Grandmother (ON)
- Evelyn Nieuwenhuis - Mother/Teacher (ON)
- Evelyn O Cortes - (ON)
- F De Vuyst - retired teacher and mother (BC)
- Farren Roy - Housewife, mother of 7. (SK)
- Faye Sonier - Lawyer (ON)
- Faytene Grasseschi - 4 My Canada, Executive Director (ON)
- Fiona Jansen - Wife, Mom, Manager (BC)
- Flora Zhong - (BC)
- Follie Vanleeuwen - Mother (N/A)
- Fran - Mother and Grama (ON)
- Fran - Retired Mom of 6 children (ON)
- Frances Ludwig - Mom - Grand and great grandma (ON)
- Frieda Krahn - Grandmother, Retired Teacher (BC)
- Gabriella Grabetz - Teacher (ON)
- Gail Schulte - Mother of 3 (AB)
- Gary Flewelling - Retired Auto Worker, Father & Grandfather (ON)
- Genevieve - Mom, Grandmother. Pastor. Partner Services for a non-profit. (ON)
- Genevieve Carson - Teacher, mom, grandmother (ON)
- Georgette McIntosh - (ON)
- Georgine Willemsma - mother (ON)
- Gerlinda Beintema - Accountant (ON)
- Gertrude Kwong - Mom (ON)
- Gilberte McGrath - Great Grandmother (ON)
- Ginny Roth - Mother and Public Affairs Consultant (ON)
- Gisela Finch - (BC)
- Gisela Macphail - Physician to the Marginalized, Mom (AB)
- Gita Banks - (ON)
- G. Bron - Teacher (AB)
- Gloria Faber - Mother (BC)
- Grace Bennett - Not for Profit Charities (Semi-retired) (BC)
- Grace Ginty - Homemaker (ON)
- Grace Lenting - Mother and grandmother (ON)
- Grace Post - Grandmom (BC)
- Grace Anema - Retired Mother & Grandmother (BC)
- Grace Van - Grand mother (BC)
- john dam grace dam - (BC)
- Grażyna Taracha - Engineer (ON)
- H Palma - Mom (ON)
- H. Faye Wall - Mother, Grandmother, Great grandmother (AB)
- Hailey McLean - Mother, wife, sister, daughter, employee, friend…human (ON)
- Hana Mrozek - Grandmother of three wonderful girls (ON)
- Hannah Balogh - Stay at home mom (BC)
- Hannah Gutjahr - Mother (BC)
- Hannah VanderLaan - Mom (ON)
- Hannah Van Manen - Mother (ON)
- Hannah Z - Educator and Mom (MB)
- Heather Cucan - Retired (ON)
- Heather Leung - Occupational Therapist (BC)
- Heather Schultz - Education Assistant (AB)
- Heather Volk - Mom + Grandma (AB)
- Heather - Mother, Self-employed (ON)
- Heather Berghuis - Teacher (ON)
- Heather Schutten - Mom (ON)
- Heddie Driegen - Mom and Grandmother (BC)
- Heidi Geernaert - (BC)
- heidi loewen-steffano - Mother (MB)
- Heidi Riley - Mother of 6 and Homeschool educator (SK)
- Heidi Wellum - Mother of 4 (ON)
- Helen Ingold - Interior Designer (SK)
- Helen - Admin (ON)
- Helen Bysterveld - Farmer, wife, mother, Oma, volunteer (BC)
- Helen Dietrich - Retired Science/Biology teacher (ON)
- Helen Lewis - Wife,mother CWL president (ON)
- Helen \'t Hart - RN (ON)
- Retired teacher - (ON)
- Helena Szakowski - (ON)
- Helena Fleming - (ON)
- Helena H Jiménez - Mom (ON)
- Helena Karabela - Mother, Grandmother, Oakville Trustee of Halton Catholic District School Board (ON)
- Hélène Bernardin - Mother of 4 and Grandmother of 4 (MB)
- Hennie Stam - Mother and Grandmother (BC)
- Henrietta O\'NEILL - Mother of six (ON)
- Henrietta - Mom (ON)
- Hermina Brouwer - House cleaner (ON)
- Hetty Jagersma - Grandma (BC)
- Hilda Spanninga - Personal Support Worker (ON)
- Hildegard Krieg - Mother and Grandma (BC)
- Hilly Riedstra - Grandma (MB)
- Holly Mayfield - Retired grandmother of 12 (BC)
- Hon. Carol Skelton - Retired MP. Mom, Grandma and Great Grandma (SK)
- Julie Hunter - Nurse, mother, grandmother (ON)
- Ina Hofstede - Mother, grandmother, foster-grandmother, nanny (AB)
- Ingrid Jajou - Mom & Office manager (ON)
- Irene Baron - Mom, cleaner (ON)
- Iry Lee - Mother (ON)
- Isabella Bland - Mother (ON)
- Ivana - Retired teacher (ON)
- Jackie Gomes - Grandmother (ON)
- Jackie Vossebelt - Mom (AB)
- Jaclyn Kooiker - Part-time EA, Full-time Mom (MB)
- Jaclyn Fixsen - Nurse, mom (AB)
- Jacqueline Miles - Mom, Grandma, retired Xray Technologist (MB)
- Jacqueline Engelen - Teacher, Mom (ON)
- Jamie Den Boer - Homeschool mom (AB)
- Jan Lesperance - Retired (ON)
- Jane Beggs - Executive Assistant (ON)
- Jane Hinan - Mom (ON)
- Jane Pollock - (AB)
- Jane Vandergaag - Mom, homemaker, secretary (BC)
- Jane Veldhuizen - Wife, mother and teacher (AB)
- Jane Breukelman - Mom (AB)
- Jane Wagner - mom (BC)
- Janelle Andrusiak - Mom (AB)
- Janelle Vossebelt - (AB)
- Janet Baker - (AB)
- Janet Smith - Mother/Grandmother/retired Educator (ON)
- Janet Vander Kooi - Pastor’s wife, mother of 7, mother-in-love to 7, grandma to 13+, 3✝️ (AB)
- Janet Desroches - Mother, retired social worker (ON)
- Janet McKenzie - Administrator, Hamilton Right to Life; Mother, Grandmother (ON)
- Janet Schouten - Mom (BC)
- Janet Schutten - Mother, grandmother (ON)
- Janice Fiamengo - Retired university professor (BC)
- Janice Jordaan - Ward Clerk (MB)
- Janice Otten - Mom (ON)
- Janice Rounding - Retired. Mother and Grandmother, Aunt and Great Aunt. (ON)
- Janice W - Wife, Mom, teacher (ON)
- Janine Filmer - Special Needs Education- retired (BC)
- Jani - Engineer (BC)
- Jannet Kuri - (ON)
- Jared Ayer - HR professional (ON)
- Jean Greer - (NB)
- Jean - Mom (SK)
- Jean Gairdner - Mother, grandmother (ON)
- Jean Hedley - Retired (ON)
- Jeanette Devries - Mom and Bookkeeper (BC)
- Jeanette Van Ginkel - Mother/Nurse (ON)
- Jeanne Lauzon - Retired teacher (ON)
- Jeanne Lefebvre - (AB)
- Jeanne Maxim - Mother, grandmother (AB)
- Jeannette Lee - Church Custodian. Retired Medical Laboratory Technologist (ON)
- Jeannine Bourgard - Rn (ON)
- Jeannine Sorin - Administrative Assistant (MB)
- Jenna de Korte - (AB)
- Jennifer Pauley - (PE)
- Jennifer Tucker - (ON)
- Jenn - Christian Life coach (ON)
- Jennifer Darwent-Amato - mom, educator, (ON)
- Jennifer Neufeld - Mom, Wife, Regenerative Farmer (AB)
- Jennifer Onderwater - Mom (BC)
- Jennifer Otten - Mother, Farmer (AB)
- Jennifer Snell - Mother RN (ON)
- Jennifer Van Dyken - Mom (ON)
- Jennifer wright - Wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother . (ON)
- Jentina - (BC)
- Jesintha Kondra - Mother of 5 (SK)
- Jess Van Warby - (ON)
- Jessica - Mother of 5 (MB)
- Jessica Scheurkogel - Stay home mother (AB)
- Jessica Veldman - Mom (AB)
- Jessica - Mother (ON)
- Jessica Campbell - (MB )
- Jessica DiVincenzo - Custodian (ON)
- Jessica Kerr - (AB)
- Jessie Cooper - Marriage and Family Therapist (ON)
- Jo-Anne Tynan - Logistics Manager (ON)
- Joan Armstrong - Retired mom of 4 (MB)
- Joan Janzen - Journalist, mother (SK)
- Joan Finstad - mom & Grandma (BC)
- Joanna Mertz - Healthcare worker (AB)
- Joanna Wieske - Stay at home Mom (ON)
- Joanna Simpson - Mother, Retired Business Woman (ON)
- Joanne DeBoer - Mom (MB)
- Joanne Voorhorst - Mom and farmer’s wife (AB)
- Joanne Byfield - Mother, Grandmother, Journalist (AB)
- Jocelyne Postma - Mother, Educator (BC)
- Jody Koerssen - Mom and Bookkeeper (ON)
- Joelle Vanleeuwen - (ON)
- Johanna Klop - (BC)
- Johanna Rozendaal - Mam & grandmother (BC)
- Johanne Brownrigg - Mother (ON)
- Jolanta Galazka - Mom, grandmother ,retired RPN (ON)
- Jorina - (ON)
- Joselyn Gille - Employee (MB)
- Josie Olaguera - Mom (BC)
- Josie B - Mom of two (BC)
- JoujiBF - Mom (ON)
- Joyce - (AB)
- Joyce Balaberda - Personnel Manager (SK)
- Joyce Popma - Mom of 9, Grandma (BC)
- Joyce Fabbro - Retired RN. Mother of four daughters. (ON)
- Judith McRae - Artist (AB)
- Judith Vasquez - Mother of 5, DRE (MB)
- Judith Lynn Morris - Retired (ON)
- Judy Hannaford - Retired trade-show owner (AB)
- Judy Slomp - Mom, Gramma, Homemaker (AB)
- Judy Tenbrinke - Mom of 5 (AB)
- Judy Zwart - Christian (AB)
- Judy De Martin - Mother (ON)
- Julia Hernandez - Accounting (MB)
- Julia Oswald - Mom (AB)
- Julia Toet - (MB)
- Juliana - mom (BC)
- Julie A Bouwers - Teacher (ON)
- Julie Smulski - Mother (ON)
- June C Loebach - mom and grandmother (ON)
- J Vasquez - (MB)
- Kaitlyn V - Mother (BC)
- Kaitlynn Vandenberg - Mother (AB)
- Kara D - Mom (AB)
- Karen Bandstra - Administrator (BC)
- Karen Glanz - Mom and Grammie (BC)
- Karen Hohmannnn - Grandmother..Gigi (BC)
- Karen Martin - A Mom a professional working single parent (AB)
- Karen Rayner - Accountant (ON)
- Karen - Retired (MB)
- Karen Taylor - Mother of 9, grandmother of 11 (ON)
- Karen Zegers - Mom (ON)
- Karin Manser Raber - Anthropologist and Mom (AB)
- Karissa - Mother (BC)
- Karlene Klassen - Mother (ON)
- Karyn VanDooren - Artist, Mother (ON)
- Kassi Feenstra - Mom (ON)
- Katarina Veldhuizen - Mom (ON)
- Katelyn - Mom and teacher (BC)
- Kateri Keras - Volunteer Coordinator (BC)
- Katharine Mahon - Retired (ON)
- Katherine - retired teacher and writer (BC)
- Kathie Garahan - Mother, Pro-Life Activist (ON)
- Kathie Hogan - Grandma (ON)
- MK Mulhall - Mom, Grandmother, ret. Librarian (ON)
- Kathleen Finamore - (ON)
- Kathleen Braden - Aerospace Engineer, Capt (Ret'd) (ON)
- Kathleen Denninger - Aunt, Godmother, Children's Caregiver (N/A)
- Kathryn Dakin - Transportation dispatcher (AB)
- Kathryn Van\'t Foort - Mother (BC)
- Kathryn Wood - Mom of 4, Grandmother of 8 (BC)
- Kathy - mom and grandma (AB)
- Kathy Stamos - Mother, retired foster parent (ON)
- Katie Kelm - Farmer (ON)
- Katina Giesbrecht - Mother of 3, artist and designer (BC)
- Katlyn Vander Kooi - Veterinarian Technician (AB)
- Katrina Breukelman - Assistant Branch Manager (BC)
- Katrina Vander Kooi - Mother, HCA (AB)
- Kay - Retired R.N. (NS)
- Kay Durocher - retired teacher (ON)
- Kayleen Martens - wife, mom, grandmother (BC)
- Keith Percy King - Teacher (SK)
- Kelley Van Dyk - Mom (ON)
- Kim Currie - (ON)
- Kim Richter - Mom (AB)
- Kim - Nurse/Mother (AB)
- Kirsten Bethlehem - (ON)
- Klazina Van den Bosch - (BC)
- K Huny - Dietitian & mom (BC)
- Krista Droogendyk - Mom, Homemaker, Teacher (ON)
- Krista Huver - Teacher (ON)
- Kristen Bylenga - Bookkeeper (BC)
- Kristen Cucan - (ON)
- Kristen Marchel - Mother (NB)
- Kristen Boverhof - Mom (ON)
- Kristin Zekveld - Teacher (ON)
- Kristin Swaving - Mother, prolife advocate (ON)
- Kristine Stringham - Mother/Masters student (AB)
- Kristy Vandergaag - Mom (BC)
- Krystal Mercer - Homemaker, (SK)
- Kyla - Youth Services Officer (ON)
- L Wiliams - Data analyst (ON)
- Larissa Kaneza - Human Resources Advisor (QC)
- laura baron - Stay at home mom (ON)
- Laura Mejia - SAHM, entrepreneur (ON)
- Laura Wilson - Tax Professional (AB)
- Laura - Teacher (ON)
- Laura Hudson - Stay at home mom (AB)
- Laura Klaassen - Mom, Teacher (BC)
- Laura Klassen - anti-abortion activist (ON)
- Laura Moore - Daughter, Sister, Girlfriend, Musician, College Student (BC)
- LauraE - Student (ON)
- Laureen Houle - Mom (AB)
- Laurel Pinske - (BC)
- Lauren Darroch - Marketing professional and author (MB)
- L. H. Witten - (BC)
- LAUREN POORT - Nursery Owner (ON)
- Laurena Hensel - (BC)
- Laurenne Wattel - (ON)
- Laurens Roth - retired (ON)
- Laurie Eberhardt - Mother, Operations Manager. Priests For Life Canada (ON)
- Laurie J - Consultant (BC)
- Laverne Hudson - Retired (MB)
- Laverne Kundert - Mom (AB)
- Lea Krol - Mom (BC)
- Leanne Kikkert - Mom and poultry manager (ON)
- Leanne Van den Bosch - Mom, bookkeeper (BC)
- Lee-anne Alter - Wife Business Support Officer & Stepmother (ON)
- Lena Schuck - Mom of 8 (SK)
- Leo & Dinie Oldenburger - (AB)
- Leona VandenBrink - Teacher (AB)
- Lesley Vandas - (BC)
- Leslie Knott - Self employed (ON)
- Lia Milousis - B.Soc.Sc., J.D.(2020), lawyer (ON)
- Ligia Reyes - Mom (ON)
- Lilias Statham - Grandmother, retired teacher (BC)
- Lillian Dumas - Retired teacher (AB)
- Lillian Mickla - Grandma, mom (AB)
- Linda Boven - Administrator (ON)
- Linda Chiupka - Catholic Administrator (MB)
- Linda Menon - Retired (AB)
- Linda Perron - Mother, Grandmother, retired Teacher (ON)
- Linda Tyler - EAL teacher (BC)
- Linda Darwin - Grandmother (ON)
- Linda Flikweert - Mother (ON)
- Linda Gagnon - Family Physician (NS)
- Linda Smith - Mother, Teacher (BC)
- Sr. Linda Dube - (ON)
- Lisa Bosma - Mother (AB)
- Lisa Smith - Mother of 3, Forester (NT)
- Lisa Tyson - Mom (ON)
- Lisa Woods - Community health worker (BC)
- Lisa Beth W. - Home maker (ON)
- Lisa Cossar - Retired Teacher (ON)
- Lisa Van Maren - Mother and grandmother (ON)
- Lise W - Data analyst & mother of 2 (ON)
- Liz Rebello - Teacher/mom (ON)
- Liz Jager - Mom, grandma, teacher (ON)
- Liza Farrell - Mom & School Bus Driver (ON)
- Lois Duncan - (ON)
- Lois Watson-Lyons - (MB)
- Loretta Vandenberg - Mom, pastry chef (ON)
- Lori Bos - Administrative Assistant/Mom (AB)
- Lori Pilkey - Mom (BC)
- Lori Straw - Mother, Grandmother, Retired Business Woman (BC)
- Lorraine Bolton - (ON)
- Lorraine MacPherson - Retired nurse (ON)
- Lorraine Milne - Business Owner and mother of 4 (ON)
- Lorraine - Mom, Grandmother, Professional driver (ON)
- Lorraine F Young - Mother and Grandmother (AB)
- Lorraine Marguerite Ross - Retired (ON)
- Louisa Steele - mother (AB)
- Louisa Slingerland - Mom (AB)
- Louise Arsenault - (NS)
- Louise Boyde - Retired teacher (ON)
- Louise Drinnan - RMT (AB)
- Louise Hart - House wife (SK)
- Louise Harbour - Executive Director (ON)
- Louise Myshak - Optometrist (BC)
- Luanne Kok - (MB)
- Luz Gálvez - Mother (N/A)
- Lydell Bradley - Direct Support Provider (group home) (SK)
- Lydia H - Recreation therapist (BC)
- Lydia M - seamstress, mom, grandma (BC)
- Lydia VandeStroet - Student (AB)
- Lynanne Sparling - Ece (ON)
- Lyndsie St Onge - (SK)
- Lyne Archambault - Retired (QC)
- Lynette Sacco - Therapist (MB)
- Lynn Jeffs - Retired Educator (ON)
- Lynn - Forest and conservation worker (NB)
- Lynn Hurl - Real Estate agent mom of 3, grandmother, sister (SK)
- Lynn Vankammen - Mom (BC)
- Maaike Rosendal - Mother and International Pro-life Speaker (ON)
- Madeleine Roberts - Student (ON)
- Madeline Dumont - Mom (MB)
- Madeline Robins - Retired Social Worker (ON)
- Mae Pellan - Retired (BC)
- Magdalene Vanderlinde - (BC)
- Maggie Van Seters - Mom (BC)
- Majorie Van Vugt - Home maker (AB)
- Marcia McGuire - Mother, lawyer (ON)
- Margaret P. - Retired (ON)
- Margaret VanderWel - (ON)
- Margaret Jean Morris - Mom, Grandma, Great-Grandma (SK)
- Margaret Mountain - (ON)
- Margaret Bom - Mother, Grandmother (ON)
- Margaret Dykstra - (BC)
- Margaret Morris - Grandma, Gr-Grandma (SK)
- Marge Ludwig - Teacher, mother of 8 (ON)
- Marguerite Sumeraj - Retired businesswoman (ON)
- Maria Bassi - Retired Teacher and Family Caregiver (ON)
- Maria F. - Mom, insurance adjuster (ON)
- Maria Maio - Home maker (NS)
- Maria Sajan - Student (ON)
- Maria - Grandmother (ON)
- María Fernanda Abondano Bernal - International Medical Graduate, wife & mother of 3 (ON)
- Mariah Currie - Registered Nurse. Wife. Mother. (ON)
- Marian Meinen Gagne - Mother, grandmother (ON)
- Marian Neels - Teacher, mother (BC)
- Marian S - Mom (AB)
- Mariane Louis Seize - Mom and grand mother (ON)
- Marianne Ahern - Specialist Nurse (BC)
- Marie Welton - Dance Teacher Babysitter (BC)
- Marie Connolly - Mother (N/A)
- MARIE LUIS - Mother, Grandmother (ON) (ON)
- Marie-Claire Mahon - Mother (ON)
- Marie-Paule Wilkinson - Mom (ON)
- Marieka Gritter - Mom (AB)
- Marielle Pion - Wife (ON)
- Marietta Linde - Mother (ON)
- Marietta Van Middelkoop - Night nanny (ON)
- Mariette Kersten - Mother (ON)
- Marijke Ezinga - Homemaker (BC)
- Marijke Vanderveen - Mother (BC)
- Marilyn Currie - Mother (SK)
- Marilyn Krochak - Wife, mother, grandmother (MB)
- Marilyn Robinson - Community Service (MB)
- Marilyn Langlois - Mother, Grandmother, retired EA (ON)
- Marilyn Lowe - Wife, Mother, Grand-mother, Nurse (MB)
- Marilyn Phillips - Mother, Grandmother, Musician (SK)
- marion Wilson - Wife, Mom of 4, grandmother of 8, retired counselor (ON)
- Marisa Brown - Retired office administrator (BC)
- Marj Pachniosky - Aunt, retired Nurse (ON)
- Marlaina MacRobbie - RECE (ON)
- Marlene DeBoersap - Retired Teacher (ON)
- Marlene Guliker - Mom (BC)
- Marlene Bjorgan - Grandma (ON)
- Marlene Borchardt - Wife and mother (SK)
- Martha Klyn - Nurse and mother (BC)
- Martha Otten - Farmer mom grandma (AB)
- Martha DeGelder - Retired (AB)
- Martha VanHoffen - Mother, grandmother, aunt, respecter of life and the right of the child to have a chance at life! Ontario (ON)
- Martha Cecilia 4085 Martincic - Mother (ON)
- Mary Assaf - Retired teacher, mother of 4, grandmother of 9 (ON)
- Mary Froeneweg - Great grandmother, retired (ON)
- Mary Groeneweg - Retired (ON)
- Mary Lenting - Mother/grandmother (ON)
- Mary Reis - Senior HR Manager (ON)
- Mary Riendeau - (SK)
- Mary Wagner - (BC)
- Mary - Retired (ON)
- Mary Benninger - Mother of four, grandmother of 12 (ON)
- Mary DeBoer - Administrator/Bookkeeper (ON)
- Mary Epoch - Mom, grandma, greatgrand, retired (ON)
- Mary Hardy - Retired (BC)
- Mary Togretz - (ON)
- Mary Anne (May) Mackness-Devine - Wife, Freelance Visual Artist & Graphic Designer, Retail Employee in children\'s fashion (ON)
- Mary - Mom, Grandmother, Executive Director of a charity serving women (ON)
- Mary Lou - Retired (ON)
- Mary-Alice Boyer - Accountant, mom, grandmother (BC)
- Mary-Ann Van Den Assem - Mom (ON)
- Maryanne Mohle - (ON)
- MaryAnne Brown - Mother/Educator (ON)
- Maryke Vos - (ON)
- Mathilda - Mother of 6, substitute teacher (BC)
- Mathilde Lorraine Klassen - A Mom, a grandmother, a great grandmother, and retired. (BC)
- Maureane Dupuis - Grandmother, Mother, RMT, Doula (AB) (AB)
- Maureen Goodick - Retired from Veterans Affairs Canada (PE)
- Maureen Charron - 71 year old mom & grammy because my mom refused to let the doctors abort me for her health (N/A)
- Maureen Donohue - Retired Teacher (ON)
- Maureen K. - Mother and Teacher (BC)
- Maureen Ward - Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother (ON)
- Maxine Dale - Retired School Secretary (BC)
- Meagan Vandergriendt - Mom (BC)
- Meagan Zylstra - Receptionist (MB)
- Sr. Elizabeth - Religious Sister (ON)
- Meg Scott - Carpenter (AB)
- Megan Swaving - (ON)
- Melanie Reinhardt - Senior executive (BC)
- Melanie Sotelo - Medical Technologist (ON)
- Melanie - Mother, Hairdresser (ON)
- Melanie Harthoorn - Nurse (AB)
- Melanie Miedema - Wife, Mother, Nurse (ON)
- Melanie Reimer - Mother (MB)
- Melinda Burns - (N/A)
- Melissa - Mother (AB)
- Melissa McCracken - Mother (AB)
- Melissa Van Den Assem - Small business owner, customer service representative (ON)
- Meredith Legiehn - Teacher (ON)
- Michelle Batterink - Mom (ON)
- Michelle Dick - Mother of 4 on earth, 1 in heaven (BC)
- Michelle Koster - Music Teacher (AB)
- Michelle Mailloux - (ON)
- Michelle Neels - Mother (BC)
- Michelle S - (ON)
- Michelle - Financial field (ON)
- Michelle Archibald - (AB)
- Michelle Miller - retired school teacher (AB)
- Michelle Nordeman - Homemaker (ON)
- Michelle Romero - Mother (ON)
- Michelle S. - (NB)
- Michelle VanderGugten - Early Childhood Educator (ON)
- Milli Caswell - Teacher (BC)
- Milly Saville - Retired tutor & Great-Grandmother (BC)
- Miranda King - Pro-life Activist (ON)
- ML McPherson - Ret RN (ON)
- Monica Glazier - Homemaker (ON)
- Monica MacKenzie - Mother/Grandmother (SK)
- Monica Ostafichuk - Mom (AB)
- Monica Silva - ECE (BC)
- Monika Devereaux - Government worker (BC)
- Monique Campeau-LeBlanc - Retired teacher, mother and grandmother (ON)
- Monique Jeanson - Grand mother (MB)
- Monique Graafland - (MB)
- Monique Potvin - retired (QC)
- Mrs Cathy Kroeker - Grandmother (MB )
- Muriel Mccash - (N/A)
- Murielle Boudreau - Mom (ON)
- Myrna Perez - Mother, CPA (ON)
- Nancy McMillan - Receptionist (BC)
- Nancy Opden Dries - Disability Services Worker (AB)
- Nancy Simms - Retired business owner and CEO (BC)
- Nancy - Mother, Grandmother & G. G. Grandmother (ON)
- Nancy Scarangella - Retired College Teacher, Mom, Grandmother (ON)
- Nancy Tremblay - (AB)
- Nancy Winslow - Mother, retired Regional Niagara employee (ON)
- Naomi Hunt - (BC)
- Naomi LeBlanc - Pro-Life Activist (ON)
- Natalie Parton - Housewife and mother (AB)
- N HOOGSTRA - Female (BC)
- Natalie Sonnen - Mother, educator, former executive director of LifeCanada (BC)
- Natalie Z - Mother (AB)
- Natasha Hutten - Sahm (ON)
- Natasha Veenendaal - Full-time Mom; project coordinator (AB)
- Nathalie Casey - Mother (QC)
- Nathene Arthur - Musician, teacher (AB)
- Nel Hart - (ON)
- Nellie - Retired nurse and mom (BC)
- Nerissa Bysterveld - Mother of 4 (AB)
- Netty VanAssen - Aunt (AB)
- Netty Vanleeuwen - Mother, Foster Parent (ON)
- The Wiendels Family - Self employed (ON)
- Nicola Bartel - Executive Director: Non Profit Charity (BC)
- Nicole den Toom - Farm Employee (AB)
- Nicole Kamphuis - Mom (ON)
- Nicole Pletz - Mother, Home Stager (ON)
- Nicole Roukens - Mom (AB)
- Nicole Van Dyke - Mother of 4; RN (AB)
- Nicole Van Wijk - Mom/Nana (BC)
- Nicole Scheidl - Lawyer (ON)
- Niki Pennings - Mom/Farmer/Foster Parent (ON)
- Nikola - (ON)
- Noelle DeCourcy - Retired (NS)
- Noemí Padilla - Mom (ON)
- Norah Madden - Mother, retired Teacher (ON)
- Noreen Chase - Retired teacher (BC)
- Norm Pemberton - retired (ON)
- Norma Dawes - Retiree (ON)
- ODonnell Sonya - Momma (ON)
- Olivia Blair - Homeschool Mom (AB)
- P. Sibbick - Disabled (ON)
- Pam Zimmer - (SK)
- Pamela Vander Kooi - Dental Assistant/ Mom (AB)
- Paramor Cynthia - Tax professional and mother of 4 (SK)
- Pasqualina DiVizio - (ON)
- Pat Gervais - Mother/Grandmother/Homemaker /Business Owner (SK)
- Patricia Bootsma - Pastor (ON)
- Patricia Niles - H.S. Teacher (NB)
- Patricia Pagé - Grandmother (AB)
- Patricia Cooper - (ON)
- Patricia Maloney - Mother, RunWithLife blogger (ON)
- Patricia Sky - Dept Head Special Education Emeritus (ON)
- Trish Maher - Mom, customer service (ON)
- Patti Ikegami - Formerly IT Manager & Mom (BC)
- Patti Harrison - Customer service rep (ON)
- Paula Docksteader - Nurse (PE)
- Paulette D. Pitre - grandmother (ON)
- Paulina Lee - Lawyer (AB)
- Pauline Bekesza - Teacher (BC)
- Pauline Bulthuis - Homemaker (BC)
- Pauline MacDonald - Mother and grandmother (ON)
- Pauline Dehaas - Mother, grandmother, great grandmother (AB)
- Pauline Guzik - Grandmother (ON)
- Pauline Neels - Mom and teacher (BC)
- Peggy Hlisic - Pastor (ON)
- Petra ter Haar - Mom/grandma (BC)
- Prema D\'Souza-Sequeira - Mother (ON)
- Priscilla Little - QA Tester, Mom and Grandma (AB) (AB)
- Ruth Pallek - (ON)
- Rachel Cannon - Mom (BC)
- Rachel Hancock - Director (ON)
- Rachel Kooiman - (BC)
- Rachel Tesfaye - Educator (ON)
- Rachel B - Mom (BC)
- Rachel Di Fonzo - Mother, Grandmother (ON)
- Rachel Phillips - Office Manager (ON)
- Rachel R. - Author (NS)
- Rachel S - Homemaker (ON)
- RS - Administration (BC)
- Ramona Stevens - Farmer (BC)
- Ramona - Wife and mom (AB)
- Rebecca Feenstra - Mother of 5 (ON)
- Becky Thalen - Office admin (ON)
- RC - Teacher (AB)
- Rebekah Bredenhof - RMT; Mother (ON)
- Regina Gedge - Mother, Grandmother of Adopted Child (ON)
- Regina Gedge - (ON)
- Remona Powell - Teacher/mom (BC)
- Renata Friesen - Mom, kinesiologist (BC)
- Renee - Mom (BC)
- Renita Seguin - Retired (ON)
- Rhonda Heins - Mom (AB)
- Rhonda Vandenbos - Administration (MB)
- Ria Vanleeuwen - Mother (ON)
- RVL - Mom (ON)
- Rike Wedderburn - Mom (BC)
- Rita G. - Grandmother (ON)
- Rita Issigonis - Family physician (retired) (AB)
- Rita Krabbendam - Mother Grandmother Greatgrandmother (BC)
- Rita Kuik - Mom (MB)
- Robin Fry-Phifer - Not applicable (ON)
- Robyn Campbell - Mother (AB)
- Ronny Speijer - Stay at home grandma. (ON)
- Rosa Martinez - Administrator and Mom (ON)
- Rosalie Slingerland - mom, grnadma and now great grandma (AB)
- Rosalind Wittal - Retired teacher (SK)
- Rosanna Pocobene - Accountant (ON)
- Rose Wiegers - Homemaker (BC)
- Roseann King - Designer (SK)
- Rosemary Connell - (ON)
- Roxanne Millard - Teacher / cashier / Mom (BC)
- Roxy Millard - Student (BC)
- Ruth Hunt - Nation Builder (BC)
- Ruth Wierenga - Mom, Grandmother (BC)
- Ruth Meerveld - High SchoolTeacher (ON)
- Ruth Trekofski - Retired (BC)
- Ruthann Attia - Mother (ON)
- Ruthanne Adolphe - Aunt (AB)
- Samantha Leonard - Teacher (ON)
- Sandra Vanderveen - Grandmother (BC)
- Sandra P. Q. - Vacation Rental Management (ON)
- Sandra Vega - Mama (ON)
- Sandy Vroom - Mother (BC)
- Sara Haar - Mom / special ed assistant (BC)
- Sara Wiegers - Mom (AB)
- Sara Chang - Daughter, Writer (BC)
- Sarah Jones - Mom and author (AB)
- Sarah Martin - (AB)
- Sarah VanHartingsveldt - (ON)
- Sarah Wuthrich - Mother (BC)
- Sarah Bourdeau - Cashier (ON)
- Sarah Hewlett - Bookkeeper, Mother, Choir Director, wife of a priest (BC)
- Sarah Kamp - Educational assistant (BC)
- Sarah Small - Office Administrator and Mom (ON)
- Teacher - (BC)
- Sascha Neufeld - Youth worker (BC)
- Savaya Hofsink - Christian mom (BC)
- Shamin Dsouza - Executive Assistant (ON)
- Shannon Gmach - Mom, Educator, Farmer (ON)
- Shannon Swaving - Mother (ON)
- Sharlene Reinink - (ON)
- Sharon Hofsink - Educator (ON)
- Sharon Langendoen-Arndt - Volunteer Coordinator-Administrator (ON)
- Sharon Lowe-Davy - Minister (ON)
- Sharon Roy - Mom (ON)
- Sharon Teitsma - Mom and House Cleaner (MB)
- Sharon Uhryn - Domestic engineer (SK)
- Sharon Pasivirta - Mother/Grandmother (BC)
- Shauna Stam - Mom (AB)
- Shaylene Cannon - Student, waitress (BC)
- Sheila Oegema - Mom, Grandmother (SK)
- Sheila Van Delft - Teacher (BC)
- Sheila Harding - Physician (SK)
- Shelby Voorhorst - (AB)
- Shelly Zorn - Mom (AB)
- Shelly Dombowsky - Exec Assistant (SK)
- Sheryl C. - Mom; teacher (ON)
- Sheryl Patterson - Small business owner (AB)
- Sheryl Mclaren - Physician (BC)
- Sibylle VP - Mom of 6 (ON)
- Sigrid Lefebvre - retired farmer (BC)
- Simone Deboer - Daughter, sister, mom, aunt, grandma (ON)
- Siska Stel - Mom, Grandma, Great Grandma (BC)
- Skye C. - Homemaker (AB)
- Sockee Mendiola - Grandmother (N/A)
- Sonya Scaglione - Teacher, Mother (BC)
- Sophie McGuire - MA (ON)
- Stacey - Teacher (BC)
- stella Gentil-Perret - retired (SK)
- Stella Mott - Mother, Teacher (N/A)
- Stephania - Registered Nurse (ON)
- SH - Homemaker (ON)
- Steph M - Mom of 3 (ON)
- Stephanie Britton - Previous RN (BC)
- Stephanie Dumas - Mom & educator (BC)
- Stephanie Gray Connors - Mother, author, public speaker (N/A)
- Stephanie Lorinda Vanderpol - MOM (BC)
- Stephanie Van Esch - Mom (ON)
- Sue Doerksen - (MB)
- Susan Smith - Mom & Grandma (ON)
- Susan Charabin - Mother (educator, nurse, therapist, driver, “Jane of all trades”), BSc (SK)
- Susan Kranabetter - grandmother, mom (BC)
- Susan Rock - Registered nurse retired from employment (ON)
- Susan Thomas - Mother (ON)
- Susan Vroom - Mom of 10 (BC)
- Suzana Kovacic - Wife, Mother, Scientist (BC)
- Suzanne Atkinson - Mother and Grandmother (ON)
- Suzanne Fortin - (ON)
- Suzanne Rose - Mother (AB)
- Suzie Ryan - Mother of 7 Grandmother of 27 (NB)
- Sydney Van Grootheest - Mom (ON)
- Sylvia Schouten - Teacher and Mom (ON)
- Sylvia - Domestic engineer (AB)
- Sylvia Heald - FertilityCare Practitioner (ON)
- Sylvia Riddell - Retired Library Technician (BC)
- Bissonnette - Librarian (QC)
- Tamara Gill - Mom of 4 (BC)
- Tamara Wieske - Daughter, Wife, Mom of 6 on earth and 2 in glory (AB)
- Tara-Lee Oostenbrug - Mom (AB)
- Taunia Phillips - Catholic teacher (ON)
- Teresa Borda-Chan - Mother (ON)
- Teresa Buonafede - Retired Homeschool Mom (ON)
- Teresa Chan - Accountant (ON)
- Teresa Lammers - Retired (ON)
- Terri Van Andel - Wife,Mom, gramma retired educator (ON)
- Terry-Mae Sinclair - Retired, mother of three living, grandmother of 11, four are step grandchilren (BC)
- Tershia Lambrechts - Grandmother (BC)
- Tessa Littlejohn - (AB)
- Thea Ewald - Retired teacher (BC)
- Theresa Novecosky - Grandma (SK)
- Theresa Owen - Wife, mother and Entrepreneur, (ON)
- Theresa Wynia - Office Manager (ON)
- Theresa Bergsma - Child of God, retired, Wife, Mom of 4 and Grandma of 15. (MB)
- Theresa Kim - Educator (ON)
- Theresa Rowinski - Mother, grandmother (ON)
- Theresa Y - Mother (BC)
- Therese Raso - Mom and Grandmother (BC)
- Therese Weiler - Mother of 6 grandmothwr and greatgrandmother (ON)
- Timbrel Penner - Mom (AB)
- Tine Pannenkoek - Homemaker (BC)
- Tracy B - Team Leader (ON)
- Tracy Sedens - Mother (AB)
- Tracy Worby - Homemaker & Mother (SK)
- Trinity Thibault - University Student (SK)
- Trish Smith - Mother, teacher (ON)
- Ulrika Drevniok - (BC)
- Ursula Van Oosten - Retired Educator (ON)
- Val Leffers - Mom,School bus driver, EA. (AB)
- VHenkel - N/A (AB)
- Valerie Edwards - Mother and Retired Registered Now urse (SK)
- Valerie Lozier - God\'s servant, wife, mother (AB)
- Vanessa Heard - Wife, mother, grandmother (BC)
- Vanessa Montague - Anti-abortion activist (ON)
- Vanessa Otten - Human Rights Advocate (ON)
- Venera Fazio - retired (ON)
- Veronica Burke - Mom, daycare worker (MB)
- Vicki Gunn - Executive Director CHP Canada (ON)
- Vicki-Lyn Vandenberg - Nurse, Mom, wife (ON)
- Vickie MacCarville - Daycare support staff (PE)
- Vicky Renton - Life giving mom. (SK)
- Victoria Labadia - Mother, Grandmother, Registered Nurse, Health Informatician and Retired School Teacher (ON)
- Kelly - Childcare educator (AB)
- Virginia Brothers - Retired (ON)
- Virginia Hawkshaw - Retired Special Care Aide (AB)
- Virginia F. - Mom (BC)
- Vivian Huctwith - Retired teacher (ON)
- Vivian Symchysn Henry - retired (AB)
- Anita W - Mom, Grandmother (ON)
- Wanda Woroschuk - Retired (SK)
- Wendy Bultje - Administration (AB)
- wendy warner - Retired Registered Nurse (SK)
- Wilissa Neels - Mom & kitchen designer (BC)
- Wilma Gringhuis - Mother, grandmother (ON)
- Wilma Makkinga - Grandmother (AB)
- wilma Nichols - Retired Teacher (BC)
- Wilma Slingerland - Caregiver (AB)
- W. Vanderhorst - Mom & grandma (BC)
- Y. R. Grossi - Mother, Grandmother (ON)
- Yoli - Pro-life advocate - mother, grandmother, sister, aunt (ON)
- Yvonne MacNiven - Office Manager (ON)
- Yvonne Slaney - Personal support worker (ON)
- Yvonne - Mom, retired teacher (ON)
- Yvonne Jacobi - mom, teacher (BC)
- Yvonne V. - Mom (MB)
- Zofia Broniek - Mother ,Grandmother. (ON)
