A beautiful column about Linda Gibbons from Nigel Hannaford of the Calgary Herald. Certainly it is a free speech story, a pro-life story and a story of perseverance, at the same time.
This could be a free speech story, or a pro-life story, or just a story about plain old perseverance. You decide.
Earlier this year, abortion provider Henry Morgentaler got his Order of Canada.
A lot of people hated the idea, but whether or not one approves of what he was doing — full disclosure, I do not — one has to concede he believed in it strongly enough to go to jail, rather than yield. If you agree with him, he’s a brave man.
If you don’t agree with him, you should still allow he has the courage of his convictions, and this martyr factor is part of what makes him so appealing to his supporters.
What then shall we say of pro-life activist Linda Gibbons, who has spent 75 months of the last 14 years in jail for protesting Morgentaler’s trade? After all, it’s a mirror image. When abortion was against the law, one man challenged it and in the end, was acclaimed for it.
Courageous, indeed.

This is a great piece. So Linda Gibbons gets repeatedly jailed for having the courage to stand up for her convictions, while Morgentaler rakes in the dough for his. Go figure.
Disturbing, too, is the Google Ad for Plan B on the bottom of the second page. Like that’s a good idea…