There are some who still believe that abortion is not used as birth control. That it is reserved for the difficult cases.
I was made aware of another abortion in my circle of friends/acquaintances recently.
I won’t get into details but suffice to say it would be best for those who are pro-choice to not be naive about that. Abortion is birth control for a significant portion of cases. I’m not going to claim every case. How could I possibly know? But those who gets huffy and puffy (I’ve seen this) at the mere thought need to realize what is really going on. They need to realize that the people representing them in the public square to advance “abortion rights” don’t even pretend to have a problem with abortion used as birth control. They believe it is there for precisely that reason.
Meanwhile, another person is gone.
Melissa says
I hope your friend is okay.
It was a few months ago, when either Stephen Woodworth’s motion to study if the current definition of human being was appropriate, or when the motion against female feticide was on the table, one of the news crew here went around the streets and filmed responses. What surprised me was how many older, balding men responded something like, “Sometimes women conceive from rape, and therefore we shouldn’t ever discuss putting laws on abortion.”
What bothers me about that response is this: hard cases make for bad laws. And rape is a hard case. What those bald men, who have never had direct experience with pregnancy don’t realize is this: that finding out you are unexpectedly pregnant is an absolutely terrifying experience, and having unrestricted access to abortion makes it far too easy for even a pro-life person to give in to her initial fears and rejection of the pregnancy. Our absolute unwillingness to even discuss the issue makes it far too easy for a woman to make an uninformed, knee-jerk choice, which often leads to regret, pain, and suffering down the road.
Last year, CNN invited women who have had abortions to tell their stories. (Google CNN abortion stories.). They got pages and pages of responses, and, while I haven’t surveyed them all, I would venture that the ratio was that for every one “I’m happy I did it” story, there were about fifteen “I’m really sad,” or “I wish I hadn’t” stories. Which leads me to believe that abortion causes a whole lot more pain and suffering than it solves.
Again, I hope your friend is okay.
Faye Sonier says
This is a great comment, Melissa. Thank you.