Or at least, try to. Here’s what this is about:
On January 20, 2009, President Bush implemented regulations that would protect health care workers who refuse to participate in abortion-related activities from discrimination. President Obama and his Department of Health and Human Services have published their intent to overturn these regulations. The regulations are intended to educate health care professionals, as well as the general public, about the rights of medical personnel to treat their patients in accordance with their conscience, free from discrimination or intimidation. They also give health care professionals a way to press charges in the event that they experience discrimination. By law the Obama Administration must leave a 30 day period open for the public to comment on his repeal of the right of conscience. Please write into the Department of Health and Human Service today and tell them that you oppose discrimination on account of conscience!
The link above gives you a form you can complete and email, voicing your concerns. Please consider doing so.

Thanks for posting this!
“Thank you for telling the Department of Health and Human Services that you support the right of conscience for health care professionals. ”
It just astounds me that Obama’s main goal is to make abortion as widely available as possible. His actions from day one in office have made that painfully clear.
Can Canadians take part in this?
Julie: Yes, absolutely. I did.
In the U.S, health care professionals already have laws that protect them from having to participate in, or perform abortions. this proposal isn’t about protecting health care providers religious or moral objection to abortion. It’s about allowing them to refuse to prescribe birth control pills or even performing a blood transfusion if it goes against their religious beliefs without even having to at least give a referal.
Obviously, women will be the most affected by this proposal. I respect other people’s religious beliefs but i will not allow someone’s religious beliefs to affect or put my health in jeopardy. Because of all the reasons above i opposed this proposal and sent Bush an email objecting to it. I’m grateful that Obama is fighting to repeal it.
Since “freedom of choice” is so important to Obama; I have the solution.
Leave the Freedom of Conscience” law alone and require that anyone
running for office or performing a public service be required to list what
they will and will not perform. Then I, as a tax payer, will have the “freedom”
to choose who gets my money for services rendered and, likewise, the
professionals will have the “freedom” to choose what services they will
or won’t perform. BTW, birth control pills can abort you; something doctors
fail to tell women.
Simple solution.