And isn’t that what this here World Wide Web is about? I was angry with the Sports Illustrated display all around me, roughly two months ago. Why is it OK to display porn like that? How many times have I been in convenience stores and wanted to turn magazines around? I need to figure out a way of coping. These ladies found one. Thank you, Photoshop.
They posted this on Facebook with the following comment:
I was all charged up for National “Make A Scene At Your Local Grocery Store” Day since the Sports Illustrated Swimsuits edition just hit stands. However, I’m very pleased to announce I was instead able to celebrate “Thank Your Local Grocer For Having Common Sense And NOT Putting Porn At Kid’s Eye Level” Day. They don’t make cards for that one. Furthermore, because I had to re-channel all that unused rage, here… the most useless and stupid graphic we’ve ever made.
I was almost (ALMOST) ashamed to put our name on it.
Almost ashamed to re-post here, and on such a time lag, too, but really, I was mad about that cover and never did get to talk it out anywhere. Posting this is part of my healing journey. And nobody can deny me my healing journey. Noooooo body!

I love this post. I still get upset at these kinds of photos everywhere in our public spaces, and especially within sight of children. It’s not a man’s world, because it hurts men too. It’s a sick world.
Lea, yes, absolutely, it doesn’t bother me only because it hurts women, though it does… Good men have nowhere to look these days that they aren’t bombarded with some uber-sexual image.
I was talking to a fellow who has been a postal worker for the last 25 years. I didn’t realize this, but as recently as 10-15 years ago, there was a fellow whose job it was to read questionable magazines that passed through the mail, and if he found the material too offensive, he would throw out the entire magazine. Sending pornographic or offensive material was not allowed through Canada Post.
Don’t know if that’s exactly something we want to return to, but it would be nice if semi-naked pictures of women weren’t quite so ubiquitous.