…it’s that she’s not running for president. This action letter from Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Action Fund is just way too much fun:
What might have been encouraging news for women was just the opposite — somehow McCain had managed to find a woman running mate even more conservative than he is on women’s rights. … If you can only do one thing, it should be to tell every woman you meet that McCain and Palin are the most anti-choice, anti-women pair imaginable. Don’t stop at just telling your friends. You can bet that I’ll be telling strangers in the checkout line at the grocery store, the women I see at the gym, parents at my kids’ schools.
Oh Cecile. You’re breaking my heart. But not my confidence, baby.
Brigitte also found something: She has an annoying mother-in-law. I like her even more… And it looks like I’m not the only one.

Andrea this action letter from the President of Planned Parenthood Action Fund is the best news and strongest endorsement McCain and Palin could ever get prior to the November election in America.
It’s better than too much fun it should re-energize the base of support for McCain and Palin in America for all those in America that were considering the alternative. To be perfectly honest I always felt John McCain was way too wishy washy on the abortion issue.
Until you broke the story of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin being chosen as John McCain’s Vice Presidential running mate a few days ago in the November Presidential election in America I really didn’t know anything about Governor Palin.
Thanks to ProWomanProLife.org I now do know more about Governor Palin and consider her to be an excellent Vice Presidential running mate with tremendous courage and wisdom to make a very positive difference in American politics. Those are qualities that America and the entire western world of course Canada included are in great need of today.
Governor Palin’s decision to give birth to her fifth child while in office despite being told by Doctors he would be born with Down Syndrome as a result of the pre-natal tests she had taken shows America and the world that she is a woman of great courage, compassion, determination, wisdom and love of neighbour and love of life.
With a federal election looming in Canada maybe just days or weeks away according to political pundits Canada should be so lucky to have a major political candidate running for office with the qualities of Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska. Governor Sarah Palin is the ultimate ProwomenProLife woman in North America.
Let deeds not words be the deciding factor that will influence not only Americans but people all around the western world help them decide who to support in their national and all other election campaigns.
Regarding the recent birth of Governor Palin’s Down Syndrome baby boy she says, “He is perfection”. The world is in great need of more political leaders like Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska.
Maybe there is hope for America after all. You just never know where that hope is going to come from do you. God Bless America.
A woman who is anti-women.
Trouvez l’erreur.
I think feminists who define what “women” are, are completely arrogant.
Imagine if men did that.
John McCain is the most anti-man man in the history of the world!.
The man who said that might get beat up.
Who do these women think they are, speaking for me?
This is incredible – NatPost called her a “Hockey Mom” – is this possible? Given her closer proximity to Canada I think we declare her an “Honorary Canadian” – I would prefer her to Morgantaler.