…A student in Wiarton, Ontario is put in seclusion so that others won’t see her pro-life protest.
School principal Pat Cavan confirmed the protest could not be allowed under school policy, which prevents any group from spreading one-sided information on any religious, political or other contentious subject. “School property is not a public place,” Cavan said. “So while absolutely we support the right to free speech in a public space, that’s not school property.”
No one-sided information allowed! What the student needed to do then, was be pro-life for half the day, and pro-choice for the other.

I suspect the policy is deliberatly vague in order to allow the principal to apply whatever policy he sees fit. That’s fairly common practice at schools, and elsewhere.
The school needs a pro-choice protester, just as a test to see if he is discriminating politically or merely trying to surpress any protests that might be disruptive to education.
School property is not a public place? I didn’t realize Peninsula Shores was a private school and parents paid to send their children there. Our tax dollars at work again for us.
A good experience for this student as she can expect to receive the same, if not more hostile, treatment when she attends University.
At least she got her own office for the day. I might try this around exam time, see if I get my own special room.
Wow. The implications of this policy are incredibly embarrassing. Say black students’ rights were a ‘contentious issue.’ The administration, teachers, and students would have to include a case *against* equal rights if they wanted to make any comment at all.
Andre, good point about the student needing to be pro life half the time and pro choice the other half. Wiarton debating team must be a riot and Id like to see them – especially the debating judges who must have quite a time. No, seriously though, this school is simply emblematic of all those like minded who think they are tolerant and in reality are tolerant of everyone who agrees with them. They are truly dangerous. Freedom of expression is hugely important and is at stake. Pro life presentation should be facilitated but freedom of expression should be guaranteed. Imagine the alternative – it is all around us.
According to the article, police were called. What gives? I know we’ve had our fill of hearing that pro-life speech equals hate speech. But is silence considered hate speech now, too? Ridiculous.
The same school holds an annual ‘Gay Pride’ day. Students don’t get to express both sides of that issue. No sir!
Just fyi: the principal, Patricia Cavan, is a woman. She also said, “I just want to assure that every student feels supported when those beliefs are shared”. Since when does every student have the right to ‘feel supported’ in a publicly funded school?