Yawn. Yaaaaawwwwww—-nnnnnn.
“I think the proper reaction to a beauty pageant these days is to be bored by it. I would have thought that old version of feminism, which was violently opposed to lipstick and high heels, had died out by now. It’s an extinct image of feminism — that you can’t be both frivolous and serious or care about clothes and read books at the same time. And, in a way, it’s sort of depressing that these same old-fashioned battles keep on being recycled.” …Take heart, sisters, for there is a new breed of feminist out there that is reinventing the ideology. Subscribing to the original feminist theories of equality (equal pay, equal rights and the importance of a right to choose), they pick the fights that mean something to them, ignoring the elements of feminist politics they find irrelevant.
You know what I’m bored by? Pro-abortion, “right to choose” feminists. How about having a new idea, ladies?
Tanya rolls her eyes: “original feminist theories…right to choose.” Let’s ask an original feminist, Susan B. Anthony :
byShe blamed men, laws and the “double standard” for driving women to abortion because they had no other options. (”When a woman destroys the life of her unborn child, it is a sign that, by education or circumstances, she has been greatly wronged.” 1869) She believed, as did many of the feminists of her era, that only the achievement of women’s equality and freedom would end the need for abortion.”
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