Girl auctions off virginity for tons of cash, proclaims she is not being taken advantage of, and concludes with amazement that people would bid so high to help her lose it:
She added: “It’s shocking that men will pay so much for someone’s virginity, which isn’t even prized so highly anymore.”
Rebecca wonders: Is it bad that I’m only semi-outraged at this? So many teenagers have so much sex for so many foolish, empty, short-sighted or just daffy reasons – doing it to raise money isn’t any more morally bankrupt or disturbing, in my opinion, than high school orgies, sex with a stranger while massively drunk, or any number of other things (which is to say, very disturbing).
Not that I’m endorsing this at all. It just seems only a little bit surprising and transgressive, given what’s become the norm these days.

I’d like to see how many clients she’s able to hold at the private practice I’m certain she’ll open after achieving (and paying cash for) her masters in “Family and Marriage therapy.” Unbelievable. God forbid her future children ever find out how mommy got ahead in life.
For some reason, I’m reminded of a very old joke that ends with the punchline: “We’ve already established what you are, my dear, we’re merely haggling over the price now.”
It’s actually from George Bernard Shaw:
George Bernard Shaw once found himself at a dinner party, seated beside an attractive woman. “Madam,” he asked, “would you go to bed with me for a thousand pounds?” The woman blushed and rather indignantly shook her head.
“For ten thousand pounds?” he asked. “No. I would not.” “Then how about fifty thousand pounds?” he contined.
The colossal sum gave the woman pause, and after further reflection, she coyly replied: “Perhaps.” “And if I were to offer you five pounds?” Shaw asked.
“Mr. Shaw!” the woman exclaimed. “What do you take me for!” “We have already established what you are,” Shaw calmly replied. “Now we are merely haggling over the price.”