PETA’s latest ad campaign might not be able to run on the streets of Montreal. The trouble arises in that they’ve labelled female body parts as if they were pieces of meat. So the political correctness police are stepping out in full force because of the labelling. Because this might be sexist. Possibly even degrading? Now good old fashioned regular porn, up and down our city blocks–now that is clearly not degrading. The sex shops, the shady massage parlours, with all the forced labour, human trafficking, prostitution that implies–not a trouble! But this ad might be.
I’m desperately confused.

I wish you hadn’t actually posted the picture. A description would have sufficed.
The definition of porn was one proposed in the NFB documentary Not A Love Story, which defined porn as violence against women. Eroticism is OK. Violence against women is not. This documentary, released in the 1980ies, defined the boundaries of what was acceptable and not acceptable porn in the immediate pre-Internet era.
That is offensive and completely sexist. Not surprising coming from PETA. Aside from the pro-life cause I am also vegan and active in animal rights, but I refuse to support them or work with them, because of their sexism and property destruction.