“Gender disappointment“. When you want a girl and get a boy or vice versa.
When did women become this frivolous and weak? You might feel some disappointment, I’m sure, but then you get over it, because there were only ever two options and both are equally great.

I was raised in a family of girls by a mother who was raised in a family of girls. My first two children were boys, and while they have, for the past 20+ years, been somewhat of an enigma to me, having boys first was probably the best thing that could have happened to me in terms of this gender business. They took me way out of my comfort zone, and helped me to learn skills and build character in ways that my girls didn’t. That isn’t to say that I haven’t learned loads from having my girls, but it is just different. And different is good.
I guess we’ll never be happy until we’ve pathologized every small bump in the road of life.
Your life is pretty blessed if the worst thing you have to cope with is “gender disappointment” when you have a baby. You are beyond pathetic if you need therapy to deal with it (assuming you don’t have actual post-partum depression or pre-existing mental health issues).
I will not be forwarding this article to my friends who are struggling with infertility, who have had miscarriages, who have children with serious health issues … or maybe I will. It might give them a good laugh.