Just as an aside, I’m not only against abortion, but I’m against the term “abortion rights.” Call me anti-choice, call me a “fetus fetishist” and I don’t care. But abortion is not now, never has been and never will be, “a right.”
Anyway, it’s a term used in a National Post description of Christine O’Donnell, who just won Delaware’s GOP Senate primary.
People seem to be flummoxed by this, Republicans in particular. I don’t follow enough of American politics to know why but I gather this is the “she’s not as smart as David Frum” camp getting their knickers in a knot.
I say “that’s democracy” and laud this pro-life woman, and wish her well.

Watch the fury come, heck a smart woman who is a feminist, good looking and anti-abortion – everything the Left hates (or envies more likely).
Speaking of the word fetus, today, the host of CBC Ottawa’s morning talk show, when discussing a new maternal health initiative, referred to “the mother and fetus” — never used the word “baby.”
However, the doctor she was interviewing kept saying “mother and baby.”
I can only assume that in keeping with their censoring toward all things pro-life, CBC has banned their on-air personalities from using the word “baby.”
Gee, why am I not surprised?
Is it just me or does she look like Sarah Palin?